Wednesday, November 09, 2005


The reason so many of us find the path of sprituality and truth seeking so foreign is becomes of it's lack of value in the socio-economic world. It is certainly foreign to the material world we live in, and for those seeking worldly pleasures, it seems like a complete waste of time. The fact is although spirituality may be foreign the ego-driven self, it is completely in line with the heart and soul of a being. Those who do not embark in sprititual practice, often lack something in their life, which they often cannot figure out. Most seek additional worldly desires and figure that there's still something missing. Effectively it is a simple aspect of human existence that they defy, and this is spirituality - a fundamental aspect of human existence, driven from the desire to seek truth and harmony within self. To live a complete life, one must be active and tend to all aspects of the Self. 1. Physical, Intellectual, and Spiritual.