Either Being Right or Being Free
If you do not want to be filled with peace, love, joy, freedom and want to be right instead then declare it and declare it powerfully by saying that “I do not wish to be filled with peace, love, joy, freedom. Instead I want to be right”. Then face the consequences of suffering. Know that you have chosen to be righteous, to be right over the experience of surrender, of letting go, that leads to inner peace, love, joy, freedom. They give you access to the unlimited infinite presence that's within you and all of creation. If you do not wish to have access to that and you want to be right instead, then choose it. But know that you can also choose otherwise. You can choose to let go of your opinions, your perspectives, your logical arguments. You can let go of all that and embrace the infinite presence of love, freedom, peace, joy that gives rise to another state of being and other qualities of behavior and functioning that emanate from a state of bliss. well being, happiness, peace, joy, love, freedom. You can't have both. You can't be right and have access to that. It just doesn't work that way. So know the difference and choose powerfully which way you want to go and know that you can choose either at any moment in time. You will not be stuck with either of these choices for the rest of your life, it takes this very moment to choose one over the other . It happens now.
Labels: Freedom, joy, love, peace, right, suffering, surrender
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