Saturday, November 26, 2005

A Man

A Man's life must be more than a handful of emotions, desires and wantings. A Man must be more than the slave of his own ego. The Centre of Man is not that which is ever-changing. That stable centre is the soul. From there emanates man's integrity, his vision of truth and the glory of wisdom. It is this centre that must take control of a man's life and his ego. A man and his ego resembles a rider and his horse[Angha, MTO]. The horse being the ego is commanded by the rider (the man). The man controls and directs his ego just as the rider directs and manages his horse to get him to the right destination. A man whose life is controlled by his emotions and desires, is like the rider who has lost control of his astray horse. The bewildered horse takes the rider to wherever it pleases, just as the astray ego does to a man.