Thursday, April 30, 2009

Words of Wisdom

Words of wisdom may spring out of any who spontaneously connects to the source of Truth.

He Who Knows

One who lets go and allows the Kingdom to unfold, reels well, and reaps more spiritual banquets than one who chases that which is not within.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time Spent

How do you wish to spend your time?
Do you wish to continuously stimulate your senses, or spend time in truth?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What Gives Relief

Sometimes the spirit surfaces, other times the ego
But, if you are never constipated, how can you ever feel relieved?!

You and I

The birds of paradise see no difference between you and I,
so then why do we separate ourselves into what is not whole
yesterday we spawned from that same soul. Today we keep saying "I, I!!...mine, mine!!"
Just as the proud drop claims it owns the ocean.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Love: Universal Substance of Life

To learn to love and let go is one of the greatest spiritual practices of life. Love is the universal substance of life and by projecting and objectifying it, the ego may be overwhelmed by its power.

Does the Tail Ask to be the Trunk?

Does the tail of the elephant ask to be the trunk?
Does the sea ask to be the sail?
For all things are part of the greater Whole. Each needing the other to function.
Never ask why I am not like that or he or she is not like this. Do not label thing as good or bad.
The man's rectum is as necessary as the eye. All have a unique function which make the Whole function as a Whole.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Resorting to Inner

Never resort to an inner conflict from an outer source. All inner quarrel can be quietened with inner work. It only requires more patience.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Own your Emotions

Own your emotions. Be in charge and responsible for your own state of mind.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Much of our lives we spend expecting everyone to have such perfectly aligned ego-spirits free from faults and flaws. Yet we ourselves possess in abundance faults and flaws that we often ignore and are not willing to acknowledge.

The Inward Work

Inward work is by far more important than outward expressions. Many resort to the art of pretense in order to achieve what they seek. Though this cannot hold and will only serve as a temporary and often futile method. In time the inner expression will give way. Hence spend the time working on the inner so that the outward expression is made right naturally without effort. The outward expression should always be a reflection of the inner. Even when the outward expression results in failure, one realises the real work is to be done on the inner, rather than the art of pretense.