Wednesday, July 26, 2017

All Emotions

All emotions are legitimate yet irrational. Acknowledge each and let them go. Do the same for others, allow others to experience the emotions they experience, help them accept it, and then let go.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Each and every one of us have the power to bring the best and worst out of ourselves and others. We all contain the good and the bad and none is either completely good or completely bad. What will you focus on. What will you choose?

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What lies at the core of existence,
is not survival,
'tis Love.
'Tis not the accumulation of wealth or intellectual pursuit,
"Tis Love
''Tis not abandonment and separation,
''Tis Love
Come to this very core,
And sit in Love

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Wednesday, July 05, 2017

With Capability Comes Responsibility

All people are complete the way they are. Evaluating one in comparison to another is completely invalid. What is however certain is that with capability comes responsibility. Those who are more capable have a higher responsibility than those who are not.

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Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Personal Success Alone

Personal success eventually becomes meaningless unless it is used to make a positive contribution to society.

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Kindness vs Niceness

Kindness is not niceness. Kindness is helping people help themselves, niceness is making people rely on you. Kindness is teaching a man how to finish to feed himself for a lifetime. Niceness is feeding a man a fish for a night so he keeps relying on your free fish. Kindness is believing in other's agency and competency and helping them grow and develop, and niceness is making yourself look good at the price of others truly becoming self-sustaining powerful agents of change. 

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How We Bury Our Vulnerabilities With Stories

We are so good at burying our vulnerabilities under our stories, sweeping our needs and desires under layers of made up stories of why we can or cannot have what we want, why we are the way we are and why the world should or should not be the way we want it to be .
We burry ourselves in false pretence, facade of what we think the world values rather what we find most valuable.

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