Thursday, February 23, 2017

Point of View

A Point of View that can be different to another Point of View cannot be the source of absolute truth?


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Peace Amidst Chaos

If you await for the world to provide you with a peaceful environment then you can just dream on, it is you that will have to create peace in your mind amidst chaos. That is the surest and most sustainable way to peace.

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Saturday, February 18, 2017

What You Are Exposed To

Most people see the same things but think differently about what they see, leading to different actions and hence different results. What one sees as an obstacle, another sees as a solution, what one sees as fair, another sees as inequitable. Ultimately people's perspective varies to the same observable phenomena leading to varying degrees of views and actions and results.

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Doing Good

If you do good to get a pat on the shoulder, then you will often be thoroughly dissatisfied. If you do good for the sake of good itself and the satisfaction comes from the act alone, then you are looking at a sustainable happy life.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

People Who Think They're Special

People who think that they're special, suffer the most. They alienate others, victimise themselves and have high expectations from others (respect, love, admiration), a constant need that is never satisfied. It is not a happy place to be. If they learn that nobody is special or at least everybody is special in one way or another, they can relieve themselves of much suffering, make more friends (and become better friends) and be much happier.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017


People receive their feeling of significance (competence, effectiveness, purpose) through

1) being right - someone in this space does everything they can to prove their point and prove others wrong.

2) being "better" - someone in this space either explicitly or implicitly strives to either raise themselves by gaining credentials, status, wealth, knowledge and "better" principles and beliefs (feeling more right) so that they can consider themselves better than others (internal) - or, they either demand attention and/or respect from others or else put others down or discount others to make themselves feel superior in some way or feeling being more right than others by wronging others (external). The third means is associating or affiliating oneself with an existing "high status" group or community (race, sect, religion, organisation, etc) that makes one feel more significant than other groups (internal if not explicitly expressed and external if explicitly expressed).

3) being controlling (external) or being in control (internal) - External:  this comes as form of controlling people in the form of micromanagement, giving advice or telling others what they should be doing. Internal: doing what one wants to do and being in control of one's life and actions.

4) having a greater purpose beyond self - someone in this space lives for a greater purpose beyond themselves, some form of service to a cause that they find more important than their own personal goals and feeling more connected to the rest of humanity and higher purpose. 

Which is the most positive and sustainable of them all that also promotes happiness and well-being?

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