Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our Obsession with Perfection

Our obsession with idealizing and idolizing often makes us blind to pure humanity and human values which are by far more important in life than what can be described as "perfection"

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life's Tests

Life sometimes tests you on your weakest points. That is where you need most growth.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What Causes

What causes man to be what he is?
Is it not you who come from a land far yet close and close yet far?
You free yourself from yourself then pretend you can let go of everything
You let go without reason and then have trouble convincing your mind why you let go
And when you do not let go you grieve of attachments
Instead of all these complications, just be and be and be and return to the soul of the soul of your own soul
There is a refuge within that those who take refuge in that place are so free that no pain could make their smiles fade.


A man should continually strengthen his values and purpose, free himself of fears and become the inner of the inner of the inner.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Surest Thing is Change

In the living life, the surest thing is change. The greatest challenge is to confront any change and deal with it in the most effective way. The greatest tool for this challenge is the mind.

Letting Go

Letting go of what you have no control over is easier than that of what you have control over.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


You may lose a bit by giving, but you will lose a lot more by not giving.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Trust and Bravery

You may be good and have all the love and compassion in the world, you may be highly intelligent and have great wisdom and knowledge, you may have a good figure and well-groomed. If you lack trust and bravery, you may lose much more than those who have none of the former.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Sailor

Everyday I wake up I throw myself into the fire
Hoping I could be reborn in your heart again
But I still don't see your face, or hear your voice
I lived a double life! One with you and one without you
One with me waking up next to you every morning, the other with me waking up wrapping my arms around myself
I can't tell which is more real.
Sometimes I wonder why I chose to become a sailor, when I lost my compass and my way in your eyes.
I always complained I have no wings so how could I fly to you! You gave me wings and I flew into the wall. I wanted to get up but I feared my wings will break even more before I could attempt any further. I did not have enough trust so I distracted myself with petty things. I thought I could escape the possible pain. But when you finally left, the agony of regret hit me like a thousand walls.
Now, I would break every wing just to see you again. I've lost every fear known to man, but then I lost you also.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Be Who You Are

If you ever do any more than what you are or any less, it sticks out like a sore thump. Be who you are or become what you want to be if you are still not there, and you will attract the things and people who are meant to be in your life, and at the same time repel things and people who are not meant to be.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Forgive yourself for who you were yesterday. The mistakes you made, the wrong actions and thoughts, the words that hurt, bitter feelings. The fears that suppressed your actions.

Remember what you are today is not what you were yesterday. Learn and evolve. Forgive.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Three States

The fearful does not try in fear of failure
The desperate tries too hard consumed in attachment
The wise tries with trust detached from the end result.