Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Operating Effectively (Values)

Operating from values rather than operating from our environment is key for effectiveness, integrity and authenticity.  The environment is forever changing in often can experience turmoil, but values remain steadfast.

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Operating Effectively (Attitude)

To become effective you need to come back to a place of curiosity and compassion towards self and others, it may require you to detach yourself from your identified “self” to the state of pure consciousness that runs through all “good and bad” – it is through this state that you need to begin observing.

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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Levels of Freedom

There are several levels of freedom. 
Level 1. Freedom of expression : allows you to be YOU without concern of others judgement . However this level of freedom does not guarantee that you will not be angry at others for being then 
Level 2: Freedom from judgement : this level of freedom also frees you from judging others and so you become compassionate and non judgmental.
Level 3: Freedom to choose - freedom to choose how to respond to situations and events from a cognitive and behavioral level. 

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