Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mistakes that fall Short

How much we punish ourselves for mistakes worth not mentioning, yet bigger mistakes we have forgotten.

~~~~~~~You blame yourself for your muddy shoes
Yet forget your worthy dues~~~~~~~~~~

Contradictions Hold True

Now after years I realize why there exist contradictions in the world that hold true.
What lies before us in form is a collective belief of individuals that shape the world.
Some hold constructive beliefs that create, others destructive beliefs that destroy.
And this very fact causes the perpetual realm of creation and destruction.

One Ocean

We are one ocean, nothings owns anything
Yet we are all part of each other belonging to one
Exchanging forms, matter and energy
We truly own nothing
And yet we own everything.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Freedom comes when you seize chasing what is not within.

Empty Logs

Don't try explaining the empty logs sailing past
There is a purpose for every one of them.

At the end of the river, they form a great bank
for all to rest from the long journey back home

The Ship of Life

There are those who throw the anchor of their hearts at every spectacle on the river bank. But the great ship of life keeps moving.

Just wait patiently until you arrive at your final destination. There you can gracefully throw your anchor.

For now, take refuge in what keeps you together.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Empty Yourself of Old Baggage

Never fear emptying your suitcase of old baggage. You can never fill it with novel things otherwise.

If your cup is filled with vomit, empty it out. Be patient in emptiness. Empty as it may be until fresh water is available, but if not empty you'll miss the fresh water when it becomes available.

Empty your heart of old grudges that have left you no space for grace. An empty heart is a sincere beggar beseeching for grace.

Empty yourself of old baggage. What seems to be a loss is simply room for the new.

Heart's Sanctuary

He know has made his heart a sanctuary for the joys and sorrows of others has made himself truly free.

What Gives Meaning

What gives meaning to your day, brings peace to you by night.

Hoarding The Unreal

Man hoarding for more, thinking more will satisfy internal insecurities.
Face your fears at full pace, retain your integrity.

A man had a gem, though feared losing it so he hoarded more so that if he loses some he still has more. Though he became equally attached to what he hoarded, and so he had more and more to carry and worry about.

Free yourself from attachments of gems that are not part of what cannot be lost. Such life gratifications are all passing. What is eternally precious and real lies beneath.

We Are All Mirrors

We are all mirrors. Mirrors of the same light. Some of us are more polished than the others, yet we are all essentially the same. We can all break, we can all reflect, the beauty and the ugly. we can all fall in love with images that stand before us. Most of us often forget that without the light, no images exist. So we forget the light itself and fall for the image.

Polish. Polish. Let live for the light. "The rest are details."


Be aware of your heart and mind. Be watchful of it. See how it rises and falls, at one moment in bliss and another moment in chaos. Judge not a moment of any states, but recognize it as part of one. Attach not to any moment. Let go. Let be.
Every troubled moment is caused by holding onto something, whether a thought, an ideal or an expectation. Become aware of what you are holding onto, and free yourself from it.

Know this: You are the creator and destroyer of your own life and all your experiences.

We Are Body and Soul

We are body and soul. The wise and the fool. The sloth and the agony that runs from it.
We are ego intertwined in spirit. The slobbering grime but also the wisdom that falls before all. lust that knows no ends, and yet the friend of spirits that are boundless. Selfish prowls, yet the unbounded love and compassion that spans all eternity.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Reality of Man

The reality of man is that he is both the command and the commander. The sail and the sailor.
The trail and trailer. The seeker and the sought. What is, and what becomes.
That wound, but also the healer.
The lover and beloved.

The Reality of Change

There are those who seek a reality higher than the reality of change. These are seakers that roam for a greater trail that any has laid, and a broader daylight than the sun can provide, yet though they are in love with the craft, they are not attached to the object of the reality of change.

Friday, May 15, 2009

What Matters

What matters more than what a man obtains in life, is what a man becomes.What he respects about himself is what gives value to his life.

Every Whole

Every whole constitutes of individual parts that make the whole, whole. Each part may look different and have individual functions. However eachpart,the anus and the brain alike, make the whole function as it should.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Classification of Gain and Loss

How do we classify gain and loss is purely relative and often unplausible. If you receive $1M today and are asked to return $900K the tomorrow, you may feel at loss. However if you simply receive $100K tomorrow you feel you have gained. The end result is the same however since one attaches to what one "owns" the mind treats each case differently.

Acts that Render Life

At times man is brought to act for a greater cause unknown to his conscious ego. The act either revives, attracts, repels, creates or destroys what a man often desires, for the benefit of the greater cause unknown to him at the time being.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

The Goldmine

The heart of man is like a goldmine. It takes hard work to extract the gold.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

What Causes Things to Be

What causes things to be?

The Body's Intelligence

When the body speaks against some action, listen to it!

Sponge for Wisdom

The purified heart is a sponge for absorbing wisdom.