Sunday, January 27, 2013

Without Mind

how incredible that we are all from the same source clothed in flesh further taint by experiences and memories, and so we see ourselves as separate entities. Indeed without the mind, oneness is achieved.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Right or God's

My life is not about being right, its about being God’s.

The Remedy Within

Stop seeking that rememdy, the remedy is within you. The more you run towards this or that, the more pain you cause yourself. So stop. Stop and remain still. Then once the pain subsides you can see the answer. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Managing Emotional Responses

You cannot avoid an emotional response but you can develop yourself to the degree that you can manage it more effectively. 

Contentment from Contribution

A sense of contentment arises when the focus of life becomes the refinement of oneself and the contribution that one makes to others. 


Stillness is not about sitting somewhere idly. It is about cantering oneself, bringing oneself to the present, stilling the mind, heart and body so that decisions are made from a clear place – not a chaotic one. 

Stay with the King

Stay with the King. Stay.
He will guide you. And show you the way.
Stay. Stay.