Thursday, December 24, 2020

Nothing and Everything

You and I

Are good and bad

Right and wrong

Great and small

Wise and fool

Belong to everything

Yet have nothing

Custodians of all creation

Owners of nothing.

While we are nothing

We are also, everything.

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Sunday, December 13, 2020

What Message Am I Sending...

Every day ask yourself, what message is my mindset, behaviour, my lifestyle and my ways sending to the world? Remember you make a part of this world. As Gandhi puts it become the change you want to see.

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Wednesday, December 09, 2020

The Wrath of "Better"

As soon as you have a sense of “better” than "other", through whatever positive label you identify with, a division has already taken place, disharmony sets in, and lingering conflict awaits. 

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Monday, December 07, 2020

Everything Can Teach You a Lesson

Everything, every situation and everyone can teach you a lesson about yourself, about your ego, and about your spirit. So consider even the most difficult situations and people as your teachers and gain insight into yourself through them. 

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Never Withdraw Your Love

You may get angry at yourself, or someone, or something for whatever reason justified or unjustified, but there will never be any excuse for you to withdraw your love from yourself, others or the world. Get as angry as you wish but always return to love and forgiveness. Not doing so is the biggest evil there is, in this world and the cause of all other evils.

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Saturday, December 05, 2020

Intrinsic Desire

 For us humans, there is an intrinsic desire to grow and serve that is beyond any notions of achievement.

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Internal Disharmony & External Harmony?

 How do we expect to create internal disharmony and manifest harmony externally? How can what causes internal disharmony cause external harmony?

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External More Important than the Internal?

Why has what we observe become more important than the inner state of our being, which interacts with what is observed?


Friday, December 04, 2020

See the Perfection in Imperfection

 See the perfection in every imperfection as that imperfection is the very quality that reveals perfection. Extract the wisdom from the folly as the folly also carries a wisdom that you can only see if you discover completeness and wholeness. 

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 There is no point telling someone to be responsible if they don't know how to be responsible. Responsibility is byproduct of a way of being, a way of operating. 

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Thursday, December 03, 2020

Mind Creates Opposites

 Anything the mind creates, it will immediately create the opposite quality to reveal the original quality. 

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Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Dichotomy of Reality

What seems permanent (forms and causal reality) is actually fleeting and what is actually constant (consciousness) is a process. 

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