Monday, November 29, 2010

Be You

Be yourself and you will attract those who are your compliment and repel those who are not.

To Know The Real

Sometimes to realize the real you first have to face the unreal.

Work out of Passion

The work that is performed from genuine desire and passion generally is better than that which is done by force or hope for reward.

Your Life is Your Purpose

The things you do, the people you meet, the activities you participate in, should all fall into the framework of your higher purpose.

What Cometh From Within

The work that becomes of value is the work that emerges from the core of your soul, your passion and your inner drive. The work that defines who you are.


Work in a place that supports your dreams and values, your purpose in life and your greatest ambitions.

Belief in Your Compliment

When you learn to believe that there are those who want exactly what you want, to whom you are a complete compliment and together you will bring the best out of each other and your goals, then you are ready to discover and have a deep and meaningful relationship with such a person.


It is often better to be given few great options than many good options. This rule applies to almost everything in life.

Where You Belong

You make a mess if you go where you are not suppose to be and bring a blessing when you go to where you belong.

Truth and Trust Precede All

Truth is the first notion of existence. This is followed by Trust.

What Brings Satisfaction to the Brain

What brings satisfaction and comfort to the brain is the simple knowledge of trying, and trying the right amount.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Real Regrets

Real regrets are the things you didn't do. The gifts you didn't give, the "I love you's" you didn't say, the flowers you didn't send. These are more painful than any kind of failure. They get onto your soul and question the mind. The ego tries to make reasons but there no reason good enough.
Just do what your inner soul tells you to, have no fear and go for it.

No Matter How Much

No matter how many times you make mistakes, no matter how many times you fail, keep your spirits up and move forward. It is life's most important lesson to learn.

What causes regret

Regret is when the rational mind does not understand why one did not try for something one naturally desired.


Hesitation is the root of all evil.

Not Too Much Not Too Little

Not too much and not too little is important in any endeavor.
Too much is exhaustive too little is ignorance and passive. Correct level of effort manifest effective proactivity.

If Making a Mistake Paralyzes You

If making a mistake paralyzes you from correcting it, then you need to develop more ground in yourself.
The effort put in is always counted as a blessing even if something is not corrected, but know your limits.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Always concentrate on love and construction. For evey fear there is an analogous feeling of love which provides and manifest the positive and contructive actions necessary for change.

The Cause of Destruction

Two things create desctruction in the world. Hesitation and inaction out of fear, and actions arising from fear.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Focus of An Institution

The focus of an institution should be on developing greatness in its employees rather than extracting results from them. Results are a consequence of generating greatness in individuals.

Self Esteem

High self-esteem people always find reasons why they can have something while low self-esteem people are always finding reasons why they can't have something.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


The language you use affects how you feel.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Knowing When To Act

Knowing when to exercise and supplement different aspects of self is essential. One may exercise spirituality when action is needed, hence not being effective, whilst one may exercise too much effort at a time where spiritual retreat is more appropriate.

Premature Letting Go

Premature letting go (PLT) is a condition where you let go before trying.

Any action arising from good intention

Any action arising from good intentions must be performed without fear.

Any action arising from good intention

Any action arising from good intentions must be performed without fear.

Being You

Being you ensures you bring into your life what is yours and repelling what does not belong to you.

Blind By Experience

You who are blind by your experiences!
See every new as a new. The past does not represent the now and the future.

Running Away From Pain

There are those like Hallaj that Truth has made them blind to any form of pain.
The rest of us run away from even imagined pain just to save ourselves the trouble. Until we fall and realize we were just running away from ourselves.

By Not Helping You Helped

Lord, today I see how by not helping, You helped me,
Today I realize that when I cried for Your help, that closed door of Yours made me transform my weaknesses and grow.
Today I realize that Your abandonment was Your true embrace.

Friday, November 19, 2010

When You Do Not Trust

When you do not trust in Glory, you will always choose the lame known path.

There is

There is no failure. There is only death.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

There is

There is no failure. There is only death.

If something

If something comes into your head out of your habitual thoughts, it may be your intuition.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

If something

If something comes into your head out of your habitual thoughts, it may be your intuition.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Education: Addiction to Reward Punishment?

Education these days makes young people accustomed to reward-punishment mentality instead of creative learning habits and intrinsic motivational factors that encompass and facilitate much greater learning paradigms in addition to greater health and well-being, enhanced social and relationship standards and other subsequent benefits in quality of life.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our Perception

We perceive things and put them into our memory bank, then go back again and recall what we have stored when we perceive something to be similar in a future experience.
For the primitive man this was an effective method of survival. For the modern man it is mostly a way of doom and gloom in a fast-paced every changing world. What is today is not what was yesterday so throw that rubbish old tape away. See things as they really are.

The Big Determinent to Education

There is a very big difference between real education and assessment. Unfortunately for centuries the two have been combined, reducing the effectiveness of REAL education. The masses instead of concentrating on the inherent desire to learn and improve have to worry about how they are assessed and valued by others. This has been the number one detriment to an effective education system.

New Paradigm

To jump to a new paradigm sometimes requires a leap of faith. A great jolt, to move you out of your comfort zone, or your habitual place.

If You...

If you spend more time running, and less time trusting, if you spend more time pretending than being who you are, know you are just wasting your life away. Stop and look at yourself again. You are depriving yourself of your true essence.

Much of Our Lives

Much of our lives we may be acting, running away or just simply taking the lame safe options rather than risking for the bigger prize. There is no right or wrong, but how much you are true to yourself determines the quality of your life.

Stop Memorizing

Stop memorizing quotes and recalling junk that you apply to everything that you come across. See everything under a new light, each day a new day, and every experience as a fresh experience. The world is not mechanical so stop treating it that way!

Follow Your Instincts

Follow your instincts, free yourself of overprocessing and overanalysis, have values and principals, do not hoard experiential memory or at least free yourself from the constant need to keep referring to it for every future experience, free yourself from fear, and always take the first intuitive idea that comes to you.

Always Try

It is always better to try and lose, than to run away in fear of failure.

Beyond This

Beyond all this wins and losses,
beyond the agony and ecstasy,
there is a field.
It's called evolution.

I Want You

I just want one more thing from you: You.

The Whip of Yours

Oh, Lord,
How the whip of Yours has taught me more than I could have imagined.
By not helping me in one way, you have helped me greatly in another.
My hut was burned down, yet in time I entered the Castle.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Old and New

Everyday find new opportunities to break bad habits and implement new good ones in place.

Lack of Faith

Lack of faith in oneself is more destructive than all the fears known to man put together.

New Habits

New habits require constant awareness during implementation until they become autonomous.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Natural Instincts

All your natural instincts are there and working 24-7. It is you who ignore them on grounds of fear and lack of faith.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Your Beliefs

Your beliefs affect your perception, and ultimately your judgments, actions and experiences. All this is again fed back into your belief system. If you want to change your experiences, change your beliefs.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Utilize Not Misuse

The world has great things to offer to enrich your life and help you fulfill your purpose.
Be sure you are not using savory as a distraction from fears and obligations but a way of enriching your own life and the life of those you love and care for.

Preoccupied with Thoughts and Behavior

How one can be so preoccupied with thoughts and behavior, rights and wrongs that you forget who you are! You forget where you are, and where you want to go. You even forget to hear your own voice!
Stop all this nonsense and come back to yourself. Enter the Castle, the Foundation, your Essence. From here you will see more clearly what you've been looking for, since you left this place in the first place.

Your Focus

Your focus should not be idealism, but constant evolution, contribution and love.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

You Are Calling

Rumi says

``I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door.

It opens.

I've been knocking from the inside!``

We keep asking why, blaming, running away, chattering, fearful. We know the answers yet we pretend we don`t.
You have lost faith and trust. You run from this place to that place looking for that which lives right inside your own chest. You keep knocking and knocking and knocking, brooding and bleeding you see your own face again in the broken mirror next to you. You realise you are the creator and destroyer at the same time. It is your choice which you want to be.

Stop knocking and feel for a moment, the ocean that lives inside you. All things emanate from this very place.


There are those who hoard ``experiences`` and always make conclusions based on them, the memory bank, they keep saying, experience taught me this and that...
When you were young you saw a beautiful lake in the distance, you walked to it then realised it was a mirage in the desert. Now everytime you arrive at a beatiful lake you don`t even reach out to see if it is real or not. ``experience`` you say, taught me that this must be a mirage.

Let go of your mirage experiences. Live like a child who knows nothing. See how enriched is a child`s life? They don`t have that memory bank. They are free, whilst the rest of us are slaves of what we call experience.

Your Little Tricks

You may use the tricks of the trade to get little things here and there, but when your carmen comes along, those tricks will surely make her fly away.

Friday, November 05, 2010

The nature of extremism

The nature of extremism is simple and deadly. Simple attachment to dogma, an idea or belief. A way of seeing and developing an obsession about an ideal, rather than treating everything based on what it really is. A strong belief about a way of life, people, or things, events an outcomes, past and future. A positive vision may guide and develop, but a negative one will destroy. Hence careful study of one's beliefs and values is a great responsibility for every individual.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Be Who You Are

Be Who You Are.
Be as genuine as you can be to yourself and in front of others. Pretense will only ensure you will accumulate what is really not yours and put you where you do not really belong.
Rumi says, "Appear as you are, and be as you appear". This is the most genuine way of living.
Your outward behavior should be directly in line with who you are inside. Fail does he who tries to manipulate his behavior in order to obtain approval from others, or to look anything other than what he truly is.
If you are unsatisfied with your habits and behavior, find the source of what is causing this and change accordingly.


If your hesitation is out of fear, ignore it and go ahead with full speed. If your hesitation comes out of your morals and values, then resist temptation. The source of your hesitation should dictate whether to act or not to act.

You Intuition

Never ignore your intuition, never distract yourself from it. First priority always goes to what lingers in the heart and "back of mind", then the rest.