Friday, February 21, 2025

When You Expect Love and Attention from Others

When You Expect kindness and Attention from Others
It means you are not being kind and attentive enough to yourself. When you allow enough attention and love towards yourself, you no longer need it from others, though instead you can appreciate it. 

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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Identify Your Self-Resentment and Heal Yourself

Often you may have resentment towards yourself for doing something you wish you hadn’t. It could be looking foolish, needy, too nice, too cruel. Whatever it is, find it and bring loving kindness to that feeling, bring forgiveness- unconditional and unconditioned forgiveness. Heal yourself and transcend. You can then extend this loving kindness towards others who exhibit similar behaviours. Be kind towards your resentment and you shall reap the rewards of love and peace - unconditional and unconditioned.

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Repeated Mistakes? Still Forgive and Commit to Growth

Have you made the same mistake again and again and beat yourself up over it? Stop. Forgive yourself, and then commit to learning and growth. Your forgiveness puts you in a better position for change than does your guilt. Bring love and forgiveness towards yourself. And make sure you do the same for others. 

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Monday, February 17, 2025

Observe through the Lens of Evolution

Can you observe everything through the lens of evolution? Every moment is a moment that enables the pathway to evolution. If you see every moment and every event as a way to evolve, from self, society and the world, how would you respond to every moment?

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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Byproduct of a Caring Mindset

 A caring mindset naturally wants to take care, not out of fear but out of love.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Don’t patch your heart

Don’t patch your heart with a bandaid relationship. Return to God true real healing. Anything else is a waste of time. 

Sunday, February 09, 2025

The Illusion of Hope

 We often buy into the illusion of hope and hope does give us, intrinsically, hope, a positive psychological state that helps us get through difficulties in hope of things getting better. 

Although things may get better, they may also not get better, so what would be more powerful than hope, is acceptance of the what is - the current situation as is, and in every moment. This state of acceptance does not rely on any future state of “better” as it is inherently making peace with the present moment. This far more powerful than the hope of a better future and returns us to a state of inner peace and wellbeing. Non-resistance to the reality of the present moment regardless of things will turn out in some future moment. 

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Saturday, February 08, 2025

Cause of Perpetuating Dysfunction

Perpetuation of disfunction is often a result of guilt / feeling bad about past dysfunction and as a result of this negative state using maladaptive behavior to perpetuate dysfunction. If one applies self-compassion and self-forgiveness to past dysfunction, one can more easily break the cycle of dysfunction and commit to better lifestyle behaviors. 

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Thursday, February 06, 2025


Unless you accept all possibilities you can never be truly free, only deluded.

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