Saturday, January 28, 2023

The Realisation

Soon this form will realise
It’s own limits and limitation
The senses and the intellect 
Finally come to their senses
That they cannot on their own 
fully touch the Infinite depth of Your Presence
But Presence alone enters Your Kingdom 

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You Are Me

You are me clothed in a different mind and body, subjected to an experience totally different to mine.
In form we are different, in essence we are one. We see differences as our senses are designed to see difference to survive in form . We create a mental image of reality far from reality . 
We both think we are separate until we gaze into each others eyes, we gaze into the universe without thought. Then we see there is only the One. All else veil. All else mental noise . 

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Friday, January 20, 2023

Master’s Will

It is neither you or me 
It is the Master that allows things to be 
So surrender to the Master’s will 
And let yourself and the world heal 

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Part of this World

When you feel separate from the world, how can you be responsible for it ? When you recognize that you’re part it, how can you not ?

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When You Lose Your Presence

When you lose your presence with the Lord
You lose your presence with the world

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Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Human Condition

 Every day we are reminded of the human condition. The imperfection intertwined in perfection. The imperfection is the personality, the mind, the body, the ephemeral aspect of being human. The perfection is the essence, the soul - that we all have in common - the eternal into the Eternal. There rests perfection. Let's remember Essence in each moment - specially when we fall short of being perfect. 

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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Soul’s Connection with Source

Our soul’s connection with Source - our relationship with God, is the only permanent aspect of our lives . Everything else perishes. Thus our connection with God is primary, all else secondary. This includes our service, our relationships, status, wealth, and achievements. 

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Sunday, January 08, 2023

What You Identify With

How liberating is it to identify oneself with that which is impermanent, fleeting or based on your environmental conditions. What is your permanent identity that does not rely on external circumstances? 


Saturday, January 07, 2023

Form Seeking Completeness

 At the beginning of Existence, completeness in Essence (Wholeness), became incompleteness in form and completeness in essence. The form then attempted to return itself to completeness. In form one will always be incomplete, imperfect, in essence - one will always be complete and perfect. We have focused too much on our incompleteness and the incompleteness’ attempt to return to Wholeness. This is the natural drive of the incompleteness. A part of the incompleteness is able to recognise the completeness within itself - the hidden treasure within. This is the stillness presence, or becoming present to stillness, the gateway into the Infinite, the Source of all of life. 

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Friday, January 06, 2023

When You Are Present with God

When you are present with God, you are neither running towards anything nor running away from anything. You are rested in God. 

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Wednesday, January 04, 2023

I Once Was One

I once was One 

Then I became many

I filled many bodies

Each body with its own personality 

But all longing to return to One 

To Return to Source

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Only the Ego can Hurt and Be Hurt

Only the ego can hurt and be hurt. Never does the spirit. 


Sunday, January 01, 2023

The Trap of the Mind

Our desire to be liked by our own and other people's minds and egos is one of the major dysfunctions of our world and a great source of suffering. The mind and ego are designed for judgement, not for acceptance, not for compassion. That is the job of the heart. The moment you relinquish the need to be accepted by the human mind (yours and others'), you gain access to freedom. You also get direct access to the heart.

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