Sunday, November 27, 2005


the portion of a man's source of happiness that comes from his spiritual life should mirror the feast on the dinner table. The rest that comes from his material life should be the bonus extra spice.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Honesty and Charity

Honesty and charity are responsibilites and qualities which are part of a being. They are not favours, but a manifestation of true nature of Being. Their manifestation is a natural process arising from clearing oneself from selfishness and negativities and fears.
Like all divine qualities which are inherent in all human beings (and all creation), they can be extracted by removing the layers of material obsessions and attachments.

A Man

A Man's life must be more than a handful of emotions, desires and wantings. A Man must be more than the slave of his own ego. The Centre of Man is not that which is ever-changing. That stable centre is the soul. From there emanates man's integrity, his vision of truth and the glory of wisdom. It is this centre that must take control of a man's life and his ego. A man and his ego resembles a rider and his horse[Angha, MTO]. The horse being the ego is commanded by the rider (the man). The man controls and directs his ego just as the rider directs and manages his horse to get him to the right destination. A man whose life is controlled by his emotions and desires, is like the rider who has lost control of his astray horse. The bewildered horse takes the rider to wherever it pleases, just as the astray ego does to a man.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Do not preach your religion unless you have spent 40 days and 40 nights in the mountains in search for the Truth.
Do not preach your religion if you have simply taken up the religion of your elders.
Preaching is only for those who have put down the religion they knew, and sought the Way by walking the path of wisdom and the path of the unknown. Not by learning and memorizing words and phrases, nor by paraphrasing stories they were told, but by Feeling, Seeing, Hearing and Experiencing from the Source of Being. No other can preach by they.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Feul for Existence

The feul for the heart mind and the intellect is learning and problem solving, innovating and inventing, teaching and formulating.

The feul for the spirit is meditation and poetry, compassion and wisdom, retreat and music

The feul for the body is food and exercise.

All the above is necessary for a normal functioning human being.

The Only True House

The noblest and highest House of God I know is not the one made from stones, silver nor gold. It is not carved with hard labour, nor is it decorated with diamonds and rubies.
The only True House of God I know, is The Heart of Man.
If you cannot worship in there, no point entering the Church, Mosque or Temple.
It is made clean by compassion, honesty and humility, it becomes stained with hatred, bitterness and selfishness. All men of every creed can enter this common place. And no religion is true enough but the religion of the Heart.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Causes of Suffering

Suffering may arise from

1. Attachment
2. Expectation
3. Judgement

Attachment to things which are not permanent and or are changing/volatite. This may include objects, desires, people, events, outcomes, and even the physical body.
To further extend this, suffering may be caused to an attached idea or expectation which has not yet being determined (e.g. worrying about something that may happen/not happen in the future). Alternatively it could be something hung up on from the past, and cannot be let go of (e.g. something that happened and you blame yourself for it). Present suffering is the pain experience at the present moment. e.g. when you break a leg. Note that all these forms of suffering are caused by attachment to impermanent things. Ofcourse to achieve absolute detachment is relatively impossible, however attachments can always be reduced.
Expectation arises from wanting things to be in a certain way, i.e. whether you expect people to act and behave in certain ways, or events to proceed in a certain fashion, or anything of that nature.
Judgement is usually derived from expectation and is due to a certain expectation not being met. One's judgement of others surprisingly outweighs one's judgment of the self, unless the inidividual becomes more self-aware.
Judgement is an act which can only be done by the one who has absolute knowledge on all aspects and history of what is being judged, which is virtually impossible for any individual to possess such a quality.
Judgement however tends to be necessary for the sake of law and order, however it should not be extended beyound this.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Wise

The difference between the wise and the not so wise is that the wise sees things through the heart and acts for the sake of universal good, whilst the not so wise sees things through the ego, and acts for the sake of personal gain.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


The reason so many of us find the path of sprituality and truth seeking so foreign is becomes of it's lack of value in the socio-economic world. It is certainly foreign to the material world we live in, and for those seeking worldly pleasures, it seems like a complete waste of time. The fact is although spirituality may be foreign the ego-driven self, it is completely in line with the heart and soul of a being. Those who do not embark in sprititual practice, often lack something in their life, which they often cannot figure out. Most seek additional worldly desires and figure that there's still something missing. Effectively it is a simple aspect of human existence that they defy, and this is spirituality - a fundamental aspect of human existence, driven from the desire to seek truth and harmony within self. To live a complete life, one must be active and tend to all aspects of the Self. 1. Physical, Intellectual, and Spiritual.

Those Who Have Nothing To Do

For those who have nothing to do, restlessness becomes their creed. playing with people's minds and manipulation becomes a hobby of theirs. The remedy is to seek a more worthy contribution, as this does not do neither your hearts and nor the hearts of others any good. Set your minds and hearts in the right path for else destruction is the destination you are heading.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Humility is more worthy than Pride. If you catch yourself trying to protect what you have, learn to let go. Know that if you give what is worthy for you will set you free. Gaining freedom is more worth than hoarding.