Thursday, December 29, 2022

When We Forget

When we forget that being present with God is primary, and everything else in this world including all of our relationships, our jobs, contributions and our possessions, secondary, we create a world of suffering for ourselves and others.  

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Saturday, December 24, 2022

All Beings Are Your Teachers

All beings are your teachers
Every being you come into contact with
Has something to teach you 
Beyond labels of friend or foe
Good and bad 
From those who help you to those who hurt you 
Adopt the label of the Teacher for all you come across
For each teach you a lesson on the path of awakening 

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The Hero and Villain

You are a hero to one and a villain to another. The truth is you are neither and both. You cannot be the same to all, as everyone will perceive you through the filter of their conditioning. So let go off your need to be a hero or being seen as “good” to all. And instead, just be you. 

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The Universe will Use You As it Pleases

The Universe will Use You As it Pleases.
Sometimes you’ll be the “bad” to others and sometimes you’ll be the “good”. In reality you are neither. The Universe has its use for you in different circumstances. Know that you will never be the “good” to all nor the “bad” to all as these labels are inherently false. A label does not capture the ultimate purpose of what the universe is using you for - awakening of the collective consciousness beyond form. 

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Friday, December 16, 2022

Giving Space to Your Emotions

Much of the suffering that arises from our negative emotions such as anger, is not as much from having these emotions arise, but from reacting to these emotions - trying to resist them by suppressing or changing them or simply not giving them space.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Highest Level of Living

To truly live freely one must always be ready to die. 

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Friday, December 09, 2022

Noticing The Drive and Intention Before Action

 Notice the drive behind an act before you take action - is the action out of fear, or out of love? Is ego behind it, or the soul? Is it aligned with the wellbeing for all, or is it a selfish act. Just note down your intention and drive and spend a few seconds observing it. Tune into your mind, heart and body and ask yourself, “is this what I really want?” (for myself, for others, and the world?). 

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Become the Holding Space

Become the holding space for the ego, the thoughts, the emotions, the arising and passing of phenomenon, within self as well as outside of self. If you are impatient, instead of trying to be patient, become a holding space for impatience, and consequently patience arises naturally. If you are angry, instead of trying to become calm, become the holding space for your anger, and consequently calmness arises naturally.  

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Thursday, December 08, 2022

The Universe and Time

The universe has all the time in the world and will arise and pass you away (or arise and pass away) until you get enlightened.