Monday, February 20, 2023

All Love

All the love I can receive is from God
All the love I can give is from God

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Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Mind's Preoccupation

 The mind is pre-occupied with optimising experience, maximising pleasure and minimising pain, or else the mind attaches itself to a set of rules or ideals that it will attempt to defend or attach to. It can also gain its sense of identity from these ideals and attachments. The former leads to hedonism, the later, leads to fundamentalism. It doesn't matter where or who - this is common to all humanity across the entire world. 

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Friday, February 17, 2023

The Moment I See Ego in Another

The very moment I see the ego in another 
It is my own ego seeing, complaining.
The only thing to take care of and observe 
Is my own ego. 
This observation alone is the pathway 
Toward dissolving my own ego and theirs. 

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Saturday, February 11, 2023

Be The Space

Be the space that allows pain and pleasure to arise and pass away 
Be the stillness that allows thoughts and emotions to arise and pass away.
You are much larger than the passing phenomena.
You are the Universe itself. 

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Don’t Take Thoughts Seriously

Thoughts are less real than the sun, the breeze, the grass, the trees, your breath. Why do you take your thoughts so seriously? Pay more attention to the reality that is unfolding before you. Pay more attention to your breathing. 


Monday, February 06, 2023

Before Any Action

Before taking any action, become grounded in God
No useful action can really come out of lack of Presence

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When I’m Good

I’m good when 
I’m with God

Never Lose Your Presence

You may lose everything in life 
But never lose your Presence in God 
Always remain in God’s Presence
Always remain Grounded in God 

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Grounded in the Body

When you are fully grounded in your body, something magical happens . You move from outcome-orientation to Presence-orientation. You surrender to what is, rather than enslaved by the mind. 

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What there is

There is the voice in the head . Then there is everything else - the breath, the body, flowers, trees, stars, galaxy, the universe. Reality. 
But what dominates our lives ? The voice in the head . 99% of which is judgement of our delusional reality. 
Solution : become aware. 

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Sunday, February 05, 2023

Source of Joy and Suffering

The greatest source of joy is the remembrance of our deep connection with the Divine and our infinite need in God. Our greatest source of suffering is the forgetfulness of this connection and this need. 

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Thursday, February 02, 2023

Control vs Surrender

We can't control what happens in life, but we can choose to surrender to our inner experiences arising from our experience of life and let it pass away as all experiences are transient, fleeting, and impermanent. 

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