Friday, April 28, 2023

The Only Reality is Now

 Only the now exists. Everything else is either memory or imagination. The only true Reality is Now.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Unkind

 When you witness someone who cannot be kind, who is ignorant, who is ridden with negativity and cynicism, know that they are in suffering - that there is much pain within them from past traumas, that has blocked the innate state of peace and kindness that would otherwise manifest from their depth of being. The only natural response is compassion towards them and their pain and suffering. Wish them freedom from the hell that they may be stuck in. Wish them healing and the return to the Divine Love that lies at the depth of their being. 

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Saturday, April 15, 2023

Finding Happiness

Happiness cannot be found in the future.
It can only be found in the present and it is a direct reflection of the degree of your Presence at this very moment. Happiness is the degree of your presence with God. 

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Monday, April 10, 2023

What does Anxiety Mean?

When you are in uncertainty and anxiously waiting for something. Be it a response from a boss regarding a job application, a message from a partner, the result about your health check for an illness, all is that you have lost presence in God, and in Life. You are not in surrender and thus there is suffering. How easy it is to remember and return to God, return to trust in Life and surrender, to return to peace. Anxiety is a sign of forgetfulness to trust in God's Will. 

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Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Heaven or Hell


When I judge another as evil or less worthy

I enter hell

When I feel superior to another 

I enter hell

When I try to escape the present moment

I enter hell

When I doubt or accuse

I enter hell

When I complain and blame

I enter hell

When I seek something outside of me

I enter hell

When I see imperfection and flaws

I enter hell

When I get lost in delusional thinking

I enter hell

When I cling onto something

I enter hell

When I leave God’s presence

I enter hell.


When I see you as myself 

I enter heaven

When I see everything as part of me 

I enter heaven

When I see the perfection and completeness

I enter heaven

When I surrender to what is

I enter heaven

When I forgive

I enter heaven

When I recognise my nothingness

I enter heaven

When I let go of my judgements

I enter heaven

When I’m present with God

I enter heaven

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Finding Yourself in Another

When you see another, you may first see their appearance, their situation, then their ego, when you look a little deeper in them, you will become to see their pain and suffering, their trauma, and when you look even deeper, you will begin to find yourself in them - you have finally arrived at their core, their essence which is essentially you. 

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Saturday, April 01, 2023

When You Become One with God

How do you know when you have become One with God? 

When you look at every stranger with a sense of love. When you witness and appreciate the love in a parent's eyes looking at their child, when you have no child of your own. When you enjoy two couples holding hands while you're still single. For you have become to recognise the other as an extension of you - and you are witnessing yourself in the other - and the myriad of other lifeforms. You have become the container of all creation. You have become One with God. This may be a fleeting experience, but nevertheless a taste of Divine Union. 

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When the Ego Speaks

When the ego speaks...know that it is pain speaking. Whether yours or others, when the ego speaks through you or another, know that it is hurt and separation speaking. When you recognise this, the only natural response is compassion, not judgement. 

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The Universe

The Universe owns Nothing and owns Everything. 

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