Monday, October 16, 2023

Whenever You Feel Hurt By Another

 Whenever you feel hurt by another, the first thing to do is to bring compassion, kindness towards yourself and your hurt. Know that the hurt is normal, natural and real. It requires your own deep care and compassion. Once you do that, and only then, if you wish, you can extend that compassion to the other person. If you do not wish, continue to bring loving kindness to yourself. You will know when you are ready to extend this. The extension will be natural and organic - never forced.

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The Reality of Facing Reality

Sometimes we don’t want to face reality.
But the reality is that when we truly face reality we can transform ourselves and the world. 

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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Blessing of Discomfort

Every discomfort is an opportunity to transcend. Through acceptance of what is, one rises above, the joy of being emerges once again from the mind’s mask. 

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The Joy of Presence

The joy of presence emerges when we simply are. When we befriend the present moment, we enter the space where Joy and Love are the natural state. Our true nature. 


Comfort with Death

To become courageous one has to become comfortable with death. To be ready do die each day, gives the courage to serve. The other two ingredients are Love, that comes with Divine Presence or the acceptance of reality as it is, and Purpose that emerges with presence. 

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Friday, October 06, 2023

Just a Glance

All it takes for the ego to lose strength is a glance - just a kind curious glance. That is all. 

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