Friday, January 31, 2025

Every Possibility has to be Realised

If every possibility has to be realised, then whatever you are experiencing is a possibility that had to be realised in this world or another, no matter how small the chance. The only thing to be done is to confront and deal with the situation effectively. 

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The Wrath of Expectations

How can you be free if you are burdened by expectations from others to be the way you want them to be rather than the way they are? Wanting them to be more respectful, kind, loving, attentive, or whatever it is that you believe they lack? Free yourself of expectations so you can enter the freedom that only comes from letting go of wanting others and the world to be the way your mind wants it to be. 

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Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Mind's Game for More

 Often we may lose ourselves in imagination and memories, wanting things to be a certain way, rather the way it is - wanting to have done things differently. The mind loves to maximise pleasure and minimise pain - thus this game it relentlessly plays. It wants to control. It does not ceases. But the moment you observe the mind's constant struggle for more, or for better, it loses it's power over you - it only takes a moment of presence to notice, non-judgementally and create space for the relentless mind. Peace arises from this act along.

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When the Joy You Experience

When the you experience is not from what happened or did not happen but because of your own presence with the Divine, you experience true and sustained contentment. You are free from the shackles of material life. In its place you are connected with life, itself. 

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Make Peace with Reality

One of the biggest challenges we have in life is making peace with reality, with what is, with what is not, and with the unknown. We create a world of suffering by not accepting one of these three. What would be the result of making peace with all three aspects of this very moment? 

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I See You

I see you my dear one.

Return to me

Where you have gone is only suffering

Seeking, waiting and wanting.

Return home. 

Where you truly belong.

In My Presence.

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Always Begin with Self-Respect

 Always begin with self-respect. Respecting the divinity within you is the first place to begin as it is the foundation for integrity and dignity. Next comes self-love, in fact the self-love emerges naturally from self-respect. If this is done well you will also then be able to authentically respect and love others as a consequence of self-respect and self-love. You will also see yourself in others and see others simply an extension of you. 

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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Believing vs Being

Cultivate Presence so that you can be with God, rather than believe in God - which is just a bundle of thoughts about God, rather than the deep experience of the Divine within every cell and atom of your body, right now. 

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Teach Your Children to Be with God

Teach your children to be with God, so that they can experience the deep peace and joy that is always available to them, even when they feel lonely or sad.

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Monday, January 13, 2025

The Master Speaks

I am the choicemaker, and you are the servant

Surrender to me, for I am the cause of all things

You emanate from me and to me is your return

Drop the illusion of control and surrender

In that surrender you will discover 

The uncaused love and peace

That has been waiting for you

All along.

Return to me and remain in my Presence.

Be still so that you will know

Your true essence.

Every sign is a hint that I am.

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Thursday, January 02, 2025

Everything can be lost

 Everything can be lost, but God remains. 

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