Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Wage Love Not War

When you see people wage war against humanity and the planet, you instead wage love. 

Love is the only antidote. The only remedy to breaking the cycle of violence and retribution. 

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Wednesday, October 02, 2024

When Life is Good

 Life is good, when you're with God.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Everything Under the Sun

Everything under the sun will one day be gone. And so will the sun. 


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Ego's Endless Thirst for More

The ego's natural state is more or better. It never ends. When you fully accept the nature of the ego (mind) and simply rise above this constant striving, you'll find peace once again. 


Monday, September 23, 2024

Being "Somebody"

 Being "somebody" cuts us off from everybody. 

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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Returning to God

Each moment you judge another, be it a person, a group, the government, yourself, you are taken away from God. Let go and return to God again each moment you see your mind judging. 


Friday, September 20, 2024

All is Well

 All is well not because it is going my way, but God's will. 

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Your Mind

Your mind may want to take you away from God, but your breath can always bring you back. 

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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Using Every Opportunity to Return to God

 We can use every opportunity to return to Divine Presence. Use every moment of life to return to God - the pain, the suffering, the obsession, the lust, the agony, the jealousy, everything can point us back to God. Use it. Return again and again, and remain here for as long as you can. 

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Friday, August 23, 2024

Either help or not harm

 If you cannot help, don't harm. 


Saturday, August 17, 2024


Outer peace can only manifest when we cultivate inner peace. There is no other path to external peace in our world. 

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Tuesday, August 06, 2024

All that is Love

All that is Love
That comes from me 
Comes from God

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Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Human Mind's Business

 The human mind is constantly in the business of increasing its utility, pleasure and minimising its pain. It it's limitless pursuit, it create more suffering for itself and the world. 

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Saturday, June 15, 2024

A New Form of Power

 A new form of power arises when you no longer need people's love, attention or respect. It is a power of being your true authentic self, and being complete and whole as you are. You can then operate from a place of love and service. 

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I am the Cause and the Solution

I am the root of all world's problems.

I am also the solution. 

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Being Kind without Expectations

Deep freedom arises when you can be kind without expecting kindness in return. 

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Kindness out of Connection to Life

When you are connected to Life, to the Universe, kindness is natural and unconditional. Otherwise kindness is inauthentic and often has a hidden agenda. 

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Wednesday, May 01, 2024

The Magic Happens When

 The magic happens when you feel deep compassion and love for even those who you once despised. 

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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Contemplation on Mortality

Contemplate on the morality of yourself and of others, and you’ll realize how pervious life is, and how compassion and grace are the what matters most.

When You Stop Fighting the World

When you cease fighting the world, you make peace with reality. Reality returns peace back onto you. 


Saturday, March 30, 2024

At Any Moment You Can Either Choose Love or Fear

 An any moment you can choose love, or you can choose fear. You cannot choose both simultaneously. One is about survival. The other, service. You can't be in both modes.

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Thursday, March 28, 2024

Cause of Most Suffering

Most suffering arises from a mental concept of something or someone and your attachment and repulsion towards that mental concept.

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Sunday, March 24, 2024

When We Reduce Others

We often reduce human being to their opinions, beliefs, mistakes and shortcomings, we forget their humanity and their hurts. We blame, shame and criticise them, make them small, insignificant, and sometimes even dehumanise them, and make them the enemy. Our thoughts and beliefs take over our essence, our presence, and so we create misery for ourselves and our world. 

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Thursday, March 21, 2024

When We Believe We Are Better...

Whenever we believe we are better than others, we will never be able to accept or make peace with them. We will never have true relationships. Only transactional ones. 

Friday, March 15, 2024

Patience with Impatience

 Learn to become patient with your own impatience. Instead of trying to be patient, simply create space with your own impatience. Be compassionate to impatience. Be kind. Then you soon realise that impatience fades away in it's own time, in it's own way - without any force or effort. All it requires is your kind attention and space for it to be, as it is. 

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Friday, February 23, 2024

Everything is Beautiful

Everything is beautiful not because it meets your ego’s expectations. But because it is God’s Will. 
Only when you surrender to that reality - is when you see the beauty and enter gratitude. 

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Saturday, February 17, 2024

The Highest Form of Existence

 Is when you can love even those who put a blade through you

Here your love is unconditional, pervasive and expansive

You are fully connected to Source. You are consumed in God.

The freedom, the peace, the joy, the love comes form the Infinite.

You have fully risen above the game of survival.

This is the highest form of existence. 

You have become nothing.

And hence, everything. 

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When you are present...

The gentle movement of the leaves are soothing

The dance of dust is the air 

The gentle breeze

The sun's rays 

The aroma

The sensations of the cloth on your skin

Everything is perfect and complete

Beautiful and mesmerising

This is the joy 

or presence.

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I am...

Move from the wrath of I am good and I am bad into I am... 

Recognise your true essence beyond labels. 

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Friday, January 26, 2024

Peace Beyond Perspectives

Real peace arises when we come to a place where we neither need to attack other's perspectives nor defend our own perspectives. We discover our identity beyond beliefs and perspectives - which is the same identity we all carry with us. 

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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Sustained Peace

All sustained inner peace arises from presence, not circumstance. 

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Saturday, January 06, 2024

Why Resist What Is?

Why resist what is, when what is, is exactly God's Will.

Why resist God's Will, when God's Will is exactly, what is.

Surrendering to "what is" (God's Will), returns you to your natural state - inner peace - which is in fact the natural state of the universe. 

In contrast, resistance places you in the state of suffering. The state of mis-alignment with God's Will. 

Aligning one's own will to that of the Divine, returns you to peace. 

From this state, the quality of your being, your presence, begins to transform your life, your relationships, and the world. 

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Observing Your Wanting

The moment you observe your wanting is the moment you are freed from it. 
The moment you observe your aversion is the moment you are freed from it.
You have transcended clinging and aversion. This is true freedom. All else is various forms of enslavement. 

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Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Align with Reality or Resist Reality

At any moment you can either align yourself with reality (life as it is in this moment) through acceptance and surrender and return to peace or resist reality (not want it) and remain in suffering. 

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Saturday, December 16, 2023

Not Taking Your Thoughts So Seriously

When you realise that the major cause of suffering is taking your thoughts too seriously, a sense of freedom arises almost immediately. You suddenly recognise your vastness and spaciousness beyond thinking. Your true identity begins to emerge. 

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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Peace Cannot Come With Fighting

You can’t fight for peace. You can only bring this quality into existence by being this quality - by being peaceful. Don’t say you want peace through your anger and violence. There is nothing more hypocritical than this. 


When You Make Peace With Reality

When you make peace with reality, you make peace with yourself, others, and the world. True global peace begins to emerge as a natural consequence of this. All other approaches are futile. 

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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Two Wantings Causing Suffering and the Remedy

There are two types of wantings that cause personal suffering: wanting something you don’t have and wanting to retain what you already have. Observe both wantings with compassion instead of trying to squash them. Your presence is all that is required to return to Self - to peace. 

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Wednesday, December 06, 2023

End All the Violence in the World with Your Peace

Let all the violence in the world end with your peace, your inner peace with yourself and the peace you make with the world. The peace you make with every moment. 

Sunday, December 03, 2023

If Whatever is Happening Now

If whatever is happening in the present moment is exactly what “should” to be happening - then the most powerful question would be “why is it happening”? 

Friday, December 01, 2023

Recognising Delusion in Ourselves

Recognising our delusion in the past does not guarantee not being deluded in the future. Being delusional and deluded is part of the human experience. The best we could do is always doubt our judgement and be open to correction. 

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Being Present with God and Self

 Being present with God is being present with Self and being present with Self is being present with God. 

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Saturday, November 18, 2023

One Breath Away

You are always a breath away from Presence, and thought away from loss of Presence. Yet that very moment of loss, a conscious breath is all it takes to return to Presence. To return to God. 

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Monday, October 16, 2023

Whenever You Feel Hurt By Another

 Whenever you feel hurt by another, the first thing to do is to bring compassion, kindness towards yourself and your hurt. Know that the hurt is normal, natural and real. It requires your own deep care and compassion. Once you do that, and only then, if you wish, you can extend that compassion to the other person. If you do not wish, continue to bring loving kindness to yourself. You will know when you are ready to extend this. The extension will be natural and organic - never forced.

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The Reality of Facing Reality

Sometimes we don’t want to face reality.
But the reality is that when we truly face reality we can transform ourselves and the world. 

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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Blessing of Discomfort

Every discomfort is an opportunity to transcend. Through acceptance of what is, one rises above, the joy of being emerges once again from the mind’s mask. 

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The Joy of Presence

The joy of presence emerges when we simply are. When we befriend the present moment, we enter the space where Joy and Love are the natural state. Our true nature. 


Comfort with Death

To become courageous one has to become comfortable with death. To be ready do die each day, gives the courage to serve. The other two ingredients are Love, that comes with Divine Presence or the acceptance of reality as it is, and Purpose that emerges with presence. 

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Friday, October 06, 2023

Just a Glance

All it takes for the ego to lose strength is a glance - just a kind curious glance. That is all. 

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Saturday, September 30, 2023

The Moment You Catch the Ego

The moment you catch your own ego trying to achieve something or avoid something, is the moment you are freed from it. 

The ego will always try to do one of these things - but you can always cultivate presence to see this happening in real time. 

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Thursday, September 28, 2023

Gazing into Eyes

When you gaze into someone’s eyes, all the mental concepts about them begins to disappear and it is replaced by reality of their essence identity. 

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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

When You Cannot See God

When you cannot see God, you are driven by the mind and body, by conditioning, genetics, and the environment. When you see God, you are driven by the Love and Stillness within. Vastly different experiences and outcomes. 

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The Veil

 The Veil may be put on another for the purpose of acceptance. The veil is what blocks one to Truth. It serves the purpose for forgiveness and surrender. If you do not understand this right now - you are not yet ready.

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Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Unobserved Mind: Source of Suffering

The unobserved mind is the source of all suffering. 

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Thursday, September 07, 2023

All Things Arise and Pass Away

All things arise and pass away - so let's appreciate them while they last, without the need to cling onto them. 

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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

All Will Occur At The Time

All will occur at the Time the Master Wills it. No earlier and no later. Surrender. 

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Sunday, August 20, 2023

We all Carry Filth No Matter Who We Are

No matter how holy someone is, in form, we all carry filth with us and each and every one of us are polluting the environment through our mere consumption and our excrement. We are all imperfect in form. This we have in common. What we also have in common is out completeness in Divine Presence. In fact we carry this commonality with all creation. We are inherently both insignificant in this vast universe while also being infinitely significant when we discover the Divine within us - as well as in all of life, all creation. Rest in this beauty that lies deep within. 

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When The Whole is Not Seen

When the Whole is not seen and appreciated for what it is, diverse, vast, different, opposing, then enemies are created out of this perceived difference in form. The outsiders. The others. The enemy. The insiders feel warm and fuzzy because they feel united, they feel one against the enemy or the outsiders. There is a cost to this. Human unconsciousness, and deviation from the Divine. The Divine that permeates all things, not one group but all groups, not one nation, but all nations. Not one religion but all religions. 

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Monday, July 31, 2023

Become Vast

Become as vast as the universe. Know that everything is part of you. Otherwise you will always remain small. 

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Knowledge and Cause of transformation

Knowledge alone does not cause transformation. It is the application of knowledge that does. 

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Thursday, July 27, 2023

How to treat the ego

Be loving towards the ego but not subservient to the ego. 


Friday, July 21, 2023

When You Become Still

When you become still, then you allow the Divine to work through you. All that arises and is manifested in you and from you will be from the Divine, the Master of the Universe, God. You can no longer claim anything but can instead be filled with peace and gratitude. 

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Sunday, July 16, 2023

True Freedom

 True freedom arises when you are no longer concerned with survival. 


Monday, July 10, 2023

Every want is a source of suffering

 The need for anything makes you enslaved to an external situation. 

I just want to know, I want this, I want that...

These are all sources of suffering. Let go of all wanting. Be free.

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The True Purpose

The true purpose of life is not about always gaining, but how you respond to loss of what you have or not been given an opportunity to get something you almost had or a lost opportunity. Remaining in stillness, unperturbed in such circumstances determines your true quality of mind, and hence your life. Any turmoil means you are at the mercy of the external world for your happiness, forgotten the deep peace within - masked by the ego. Return to Self. Be still. Even when you hold turmoil in your stillness, you transmute turmoil into peace. You become spacious. Vast. 

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Rising above so you can shine

If you never experience anger, how can you rise above it to be peace and compassion?

I you never experience fear, how can you rise above it by being courage? 

If you never experience resentment, how can you rise above it to be forgiveness?

Everything that comes your way, is a way for you to rise above it

to be larger than you could ever be

To evolve into new heights

And from there shine light onto this world.

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Saturday, June 24, 2023

Letting Go

Life can go on when you choose to let go of the shackles of the past and embrace the present moment. 

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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Choosing Gratitude

At any time in life, one can choose a hundred reasons why one can't be happy with one's life, or with life. But equivalently there are a hundred reasons why one can be happy by seeing the good in one's life - in life. The choice is yours.

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Friday, June 16, 2023

Realign with Reality

Realign every speck of your being with Reality - with the Universe. With Life. With Source. With God. The Essence of Life. Let ever atom, and every cell of our body prostrate before the Master of the Universe. Feel every little speck of you bowing before Thee. There you will enter a peace that cannot be known by the mind. A peace uncaused, a peace and joy, and love that emanates from the Infinite. For a moment you will feel "what more could I want".  Return to this as many times as you can. Remain here for as long as you can. It is the most worthy place to be.

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Sunday, June 11, 2023

Let Every Speck of Your Being

Let every speck of your being, every cell, and every atom of your body be present with the Master.

Let every breath you take be in God's Presence. Let everything you do be for God.

Let your morning be awakened by the Living Presence of the Master of the Universe and Beyond. 

Let yourself remember your root, your source, the Source of all Life. 

Let yourself be immersed in the Infinite Light and Infinite Love that permeates everything. 

All you will need to do, is remember.

Be still, and you will enter the Kingdom. 

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Friday, June 09, 2023

Root of Inner Peace

I am at peace most of the time, not because there is anything special about me - but because I'm in God's Presence most of the time. 

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Saturday, June 03, 2023

Who Am I?

 I am the oneness that I was.

Billions of years ago, I split myself into many. I created "you" and "me." I entered into delusion.

Then I began to compete with myself.

I gathered myself into tribes and communities.

Yet I still kept parts of myself away and separate: the "others." I divided myself into more and more labels - even based on the variation of my skin color. I separated, fought, and competed with those parts of myself that I saw as separate.

Now, I am rediscovering who I was,

The oneness that I was,

The oneness that I am.

Through separation, I have rediscovered my oneness with all of life.

That knowledge could not have been known without the first separation.

My delusion is finally coming to an end.

With gratitude, I am returning home.

I am EVERYTHING that you see.

I am the cause of all the world's problems.

I am also the healer of all wounds.

I am the wrath of the world.

I am also the joy.

I am the agony.

I am also the peace.

I am the darkness.

I am also the light.

I am the nothingness.

I am also everything.

When we embrace all of who we are, we will find peace within and compassion and gratitude towards others. We gain access to forgiveness of ourselves, others, and the world. We gain access to Agape - universal love. We enter heaven on earth - finally. Our final destination. We return home.

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Friday, May 05, 2023

The Worth of Things

Since for many the amount of money in their bank account has become more important than the peace and joy they experience within themselves, they sacrifice their peace and joy to increase the wealth in their bank account. 

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Friday, April 28, 2023

The Only Reality is Now

 Only the now exists. Everything else is either memory or imagination. The only true Reality is Now.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Unkind

 When you witness someone who cannot be kind, who is ignorant, who is ridden with negativity and cynicism, know that they are in suffering - that there is much pain within them from past traumas, that has blocked the innate state of peace and kindness that would otherwise manifest from their depth of being. The only natural response is compassion towards them and their pain and suffering. Wish them freedom from the hell that they may be stuck in. Wish them healing and the return to the Divine Love that lies at the depth of their being. 

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Saturday, April 15, 2023

Finding Happiness

Happiness cannot be found in the future.
It can only be found in the present and it is a direct reflection of the degree of your Presence at this very moment. Happiness is the degree of your presence with God. 

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Monday, April 10, 2023

What does Anxiety Mean?

When you are in uncertainty and anxiously waiting for something. Be it a response from a boss regarding a job application, a message from a partner, the result about your health check for an illness, all is that you have lost presence in God, and in Life. You are not in surrender and thus there is suffering. How easy it is to remember and return to God, return to trust in Life and surrender, to return to peace. Anxiety is a sign of forgetfulness to trust in God's Will. 

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Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Heaven or Hell


When I judge another as evil or less worthy

I enter hell

When I feel superior to another 

I enter hell

When I try to escape the present moment

I enter hell

When I doubt or accuse

I enter hell

When I complain and blame

I enter hell

When I seek something outside of me

I enter hell

When I see imperfection and flaws

I enter hell

When I get lost in delusional thinking

I enter hell

When I cling onto something

I enter hell

When I leave God’s presence

I enter hell.


When I see you as myself 

I enter heaven

When I see everything as part of me 

I enter heaven

When I see the perfection and completeness

I enter heaven

When I surrender to what is

I enter heaven

When I forgive

I enter heaven

When I recognise my nothingness

I enter heaven

When I let go of my judgements

I enter heaven

When I’m present with God

I enter heaven

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Finding Yourself in Another

When you see another, you may first see their appearance, their situation, then their ego, when you look a little deeper in them, you will become to see their pain and suffering, their trauma, and when you look even deeper, you will begin to find yourself in them - you have finally arrived at their core, their essence which is essentially you. 

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Saturday, April 01, 2023

When You Become One with God

How do you know when you have become One with God? 

When you look at every stranger with a sense of love. When you witness and appreciate the love in a parent's eyes looking at their child, when you have no child of your own. When you enjoy two couples holding hands while you're still single. For you have become to recognise the other as an extension of you - and you are witnessing yourself in the other - and the myriad of other lifeforms. You have become the container of all creation. You have become One with God. This may be a fleeting experience, but nevertheless a taste of Divine Union. 

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When the Ego Speaks

When the ego speaks...know that it is pain speaking. Whether yours or others, when the ego speaks through you or another, know that it is hurt and separation speaking. When you recognise this, the only natural response is compassion, not judgement. 

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The Universe

The Universe owns Nothing and owns Everything. 

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Friday, March 24, 2023

Priorities in Relationships

 It only takes one person in a relationship to get their priorities wrong for the relationship to break apart.

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Thursday, March 02, 2023

True Peace

True inner peace comes not with a peaceful mind
But acceptance of a chatty mind 
Then you will rest in peace 

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Monday, February 20, 2023

All Love

All the love I can receive is from God
All the love I can give is from God

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Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Mind's Preoccupation

 The mind is pre-occupied with optimising experience, maximising pleasure and minimising pain, or else the mind attaches itself to a set of rules or ideals that it will attempt to defend or attach to. It can also gain its sense of identity from these ideals and attachments. The former leads to hedonism, the later, leads to fundamentalism. It doesn't matter where or who - this is common to all humanity across the entire world. 

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Friday, February 17, 2023

The Moment I See Ego in Another

The very moment I see the ego in another 
It is my own ego seeing, complaining.
The only thing to take care of and observe 
Is my own ego. 
This observation alone is the pathway 
Toward dissolving my own ego and theirs. 

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Saturday, February 11, 2023

Be The Space

Be the space that allows pain and pleasure to arise and pass away 
Be the stillness that allows thoughts and emotions to arise and pass away.
You are much larger than the passing phenomena.
You are the Universe itself. 

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Don’t Take Thoughts Seriously

Thoughts are less real than the sun, the breeze, the grass, the trees, your breath. Why do you take your thoughts so seriously? Pay more attention to the reality that is unfolding before you. Pay more attention to your breathing. 


Monday, February 06, 2023

Before Any Action

Before taking any action, become grounded in God
No useful action can really come out of lack of Presence

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When I’m Good

I’m good when 
I’m with God

Never Lose Your Presence

You may lose everything in life 
But never lose your Presence in God 
Always remain in God’s Presence
Always remain Grounded in God 

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Grounded in the Body

When you are fully grounded in your body, something magical happens . You move from outcome-orientation to Presence-orientation. You surrender to what is, rather than enslaved by the mind. 

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What there is

There is the voice in the head . Then there is everything else - the breath, the body, flowers, trees, stars, galaxy, the universe. Reality. 
But what dominates our lives ? The voice in the head . 99% of which is judgement of our delusional reality. 
Solution : become aware. 

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Sunday, February 05, 2023

Source of Joy and Suffering

The greatest source of joy is the remembrance of our deep connection with the Divine and our infinite need in God. Our greatest source of suffering is the forgetfulness of this connection and this need. 

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Thursday, February 02, 2023

Control vs Surrender

We can't control what happens in life, but we can choose to surrender to our inner experiences arising from our experience of life and let it pass away as all experiences are transient, fleeting, and impermanent. 

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Saturday, January 28, 2023

The Realisation

Soon this form will realise
It’s own limits and limitation
The senses and the intellect 
Finally come to their senses
That they cannot on their own 
fully touch the Infinite depth of Your Presence
But Presence alone enters Your Kingdom 

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You Are Me

You are me clothed in a different mind and body, subjected to an experience totally different to mine.
In form we are different, in essence we are one. We see differences as our senses are designed to see difference to survive in form . We create a mental image of reality far from reality . 
We both think we are separate until we gaze into each others eyes, we gaze into the universe without thought. Then we see there is only the One. All else veil. All else mental noise . 

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Friday, January 20, 2023

Master’s Will

It is neither you or me 
It is the Master that allows things to be 
So surrender to the Master’s will 
And let yourself and the world heal 

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Part of this World

When you feel separate from the world, how can you be responsible for it ? When you recognize that you’re part it, how can you not ?

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When You Lose Your Presence

When you lose your presence with the Lord
You lose your presence with the world

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Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Human Condition

 Every day we are reminded of the human condition. The imperfection intertwined in perfection. The imperfection is the personality, the mind, the body, the ephemeral aspect of being human. The perfection is the essence, the soul - that we all have in common - the eternal into the Eternal. There rests perfection. Let's remember Essence in each moment - specially when we fall short of being perfect. 

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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Soul’s Connection with Source

Our soul’s connection with Source - our relationship with God, is the only permanent aspect of our lives . Everything else perishes. Thus our connection with God is primary, all else secondary. This includes our service, our relationships, status, wealth, and achievements. 

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Sunday, January 08, 2023

What You Identify With

How liberating is it to identify oneself with that which is impermanent, fleeting or based on your environmental conditions. What is your permanent identity that does not rely on external circumstances? 


Saturday, January 07, 2023

Form Seeking Completeness

 At the beginning of Existence, completeness in Essence (Wholeness), became incompleteness in form and completeness in essence. The form then attempted to return itself to completeness. In form one will always be incomplete, imperfect, in essence - one will always be complete and perfect. We have focused too much on our incompleteness and the incompleteness’ attempt to return to Wholeness. This is the natural drive of the incompleteness. A part of the incompleteness is able to recognise the completeness within itself - the hidden treasure within. This is the stillness presence, or becoming present to stillness, the gateway into the Infinite, the Source of all of life. 

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Friday, January 06, 2023

When You Are Present with God

When you are present with God, you are neither running towards anything nor running away from anything. You are rested in God. 

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Wednesday, January 04, 2023

I Once Was One

I once was One 

Then I became many

I filled many bodies

Each body with its own personality 

But all longing to return to One 

To Return to Source

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Only the Ego can Hurt and Be Hurt

Only the ego can hurt and be hurt. Never does the spirit. 


Sunday, January 01, 2023

The Trap of the Mind

Our desire to be liked by our own and other people's minds and egos is one of the major dysfunctions of our world and a great source of suffering. The mind and ego are designed for judgement, not for acceptance, not for compassion. That is the job of the heart. The moment you relinquish the need to be accepted by the human mind (yours and others'), you gain access to freedom. You also get direct access to the heart.

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Thursday, December 29, 2022

When We Forget

When we forget that being present with God is primary, and everything else in this world including all of our relationships, our jobs, contributions and our possessions, secondary, we create a world of suffering for ourselves and others.  

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Saturday, December 24, 2022

All Beings Are Your Teachers

All beings are your teachers
Every being you come into contact with
Has something to teach you 
Beyond labels of friend or foe
Good and bad 
From those who help you to those who hurt you 
Adopt the label of the Teacher for all you come across
For each teach you a lesson on the path of awakening 

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The Hero and Villain

You are a hero to one and a villain to another. The truth is you are neither and both. You cannot be the same to all, as everyone will perceive you through the filter of their conditioning. So let go off your need to be a hero or being seen as “good” to all. And instead, just be you. 

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The Universe will Use You As it Pleases

The Universe will Use You As it Pleases.
Sometimes you’ll be the “bad” to others and sometimes you’ll be the “good”. In reality you are neither. The Universe has its use for you in different circumstances. Know that you will never be the “good” to all nor the “bad” to all as these labels are inherently false. A label does not capture the ultimate purpose of what the universe is using you for - awakening of the collective consciousness beyond form. 

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Friday, December 16, 2022

Giving Space to Your Emotions

Much of the suffering that arises from our negative emotions such as anger, is not as much from having these emotions arise, but from reacting to these emotions - trying to resist them by suppressing or changing them or simply not giving them space.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Highest Level of Living

To truly live freely one must always be ready to die. 

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Friday, December 09, 2022

Noticing The Drive and Intention Before Action

 Notice the drive behind an act before you take action - is the action out of fear, or out of love? Is ego behind it, or the soul? Is it aligned with the wellbeing for all, or is it a selfish act. Just note down your intention and drive and spend a few seconds observing it. Tune into your mind, heart and body and ask yourself, “is this what I really want?” (for myself, for others, and the world?). 

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Become the Holding Space

Become the holding space for the ego, the thoughts, the emotions, the arising and passing of phenomenon, within self as well as outside of self. If you are impatient, instead of trying to be patient, become a holding space for impatience, and consequently patience arises naturally. If you are angry, instead of trying to become calm, become the holding space for your anger, and consequently calmness arises naturally.  

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Thursday, December 08, 2022

The Universe and Time

The universe has all the time in the world and will arise and pass you away (or arise and pass away) until you get enlightened.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

We Are Tools for Enlightenment

Each of us are tools of the Divine allowing for awareness and enlightenment . Even our unconsciousness is utilised for this purpose. As we notice the suffering caused by unconsciousness, and the subsequent pathway towards Enlightenment.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Great Holds Space

The Great holds space for what arises and passes to arise and pass. From joy, to shame and anger. Whether in self or others, the Great holds space in stillness. There is no judgement and if there is, the judgement itself is given space to arise and pass away, just as the Universe allows all forms to arise and pass, so does the Great One. 

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Saturday, November 19, 2022

Anything that can be thought

Anything that can be thought is transient, and transient things are small in the grand scheme of things. Anything that can be thought is in the causal real that is constantly changing, transient, and impermanent. you can choose to not take your thoughts and opinions  so seriously. You can choose to rise above the content of your life circumstance which are impermanence and transient by recognizing and decelerating ultimate truths to give you perspective and using mindfulness to rise above thought . 

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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

What the Ego and Spirit Seek

The ego seeks things
The spirit seeks transcendence 

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Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Cause of Dysfunction

The biggest cause of dysfunction in the world is thinking that one needs to get to some place to be happy. That one cannot be happy in the present moment regardless of circumstance. 


Monday, November 07, 2022

The Most Real Thing

The most real thing is being aware of one’s breath and body. Everything else is an opinion and limited perspective of truth. 

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God. The one thing we truly need. The one thing we truly have. In perpetuity. 

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Sunday, October 30, 2022

Holding Compassionate Space

To hold compassionate space for others' anger, bitterness, negativity without reacting to it, allows one to cultivate inner peace within, while allowing others who are in that state of negativity to also transcend their state to rise above and go beyond it. This is the essence of true transformation, from self to others, and the world. to break cycles of reaction towards sustained inner and outer peace.

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Saturday, October 22, 2022

If We View Everything as Gifts

If we view all beings, all people, all animals, all plans as gifts, as miracle, then we treat our world with more care and with more gentleness. When you see all of existence as a miracle. 

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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Facing Fear

There are two ways to confront fear so that it does not rule over you : accept it and move forward or become comfortable with death. 

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Tuesday, October 04, 2022

The Quiet Mind

Bliss arises from a quiet mind - for bliss comes from beyond the mind . It cannot be thought or created, as bliss is the natural state beyond the causal real. 

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Monday, October 03, 2022

Everyone is a Mental Concept

Everyone you “know” , even the closest people to you are simply a mental concept in your head until you are fully present with them without thought. Then you get to know them for that moment you are fully present with them. 

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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Ego Entanglement

Ego entanglement is when your own ego gets entangled with the ego of others. It is the ego's position that conflicts with the ego position of others and the ego is interested in proving its own perspective as true. How do we spot the ego? By looking at the voice in your head, telling others how things should be, how they should be, and what is right and what is wrong. That is the voice of the ego. Observe it so that you first entangle yourself from it and thus entangle the ego from the ego of others.


Friday, July 08, 2022

Selfless Service

Selfless service emanates from serving and expecting nothing in return as the service itself is sacred and satisfying in itself. To give and express delight in the opportunity of giving is to allow the spirit rise above the ego.  It is to recognise all giving and service comes from Beyond - from the Infinite and each and every one of us can act as a vessel for that service to be expressed in this world. There is a humility and delight in being the servant of the Infinite.

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Saturday, May 28, 2022

How We Try to Replace Infinite Love with Finite Love

 When we try to replace Infinite Love of Divine Presence with finite love of people presence we then become needy of attention and love from others. We forget the infinite love that permeates everything that there is. When we remember and step into Infinite Love that is when we can truly give love to others without need for the finite love we may receive. 


Friday, January 28, 2022

Ask Yourself

Ask yourself: which part of me is not enough. You will l discover that you have no answer to this self-imposed question as you are complete as you are, right now. 

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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Kingdom of Heaven and Hell

 The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. 

So is the Kingdom of Hell. 

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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Ask Yourself: What is Needed?

Instead of asking yourself what do I need , ask what is needed? Then become silent and still. Wait for the answer to arise. 

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Monday, January 03, 2022

Bringing Love to Everything

Unless you bring love to every inner experience you have, you’re not really healing. 

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Friday, December 31, 2021

As Long As You're Present

 It doesn't matter what you are doing or thinking - as long as you are present to your breath and your body, you have created space for things to be and for actions and thoughts to emanate from a more still, clear space.

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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Our Common Flaws

 When we recognise and acknowledge that we all have egos and flaws, our sense of unity and oneness increases. 

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Stress Result of Lack of Presence

What would you say if I tell you the reason you get stressed and suffer from anxiety is not because external circumstances but the lack of presence within your own body, the lack of alertness to your own breath? 

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Sunday, December 05, 2021

Be Ok with Not Being Ok

To be truly ok you will need to be ok with not being ok.

If you tell yourself I'm going to be ok, and if not, I will be ok with that too. That level of acceptance is powerful in moving forward as there is no longer any resistance to your experience, and this level of surrender ensures a deep sense of peace.

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Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Be More By Being Less | Become Nothing to Become Everything

 By being less you can be more. There is greatness in humility. As you approach becoming nothingness, you approach being everything.  

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Friday, October 29, 2021

The Master

Since there is Nothing but the Master

The Master decides and the Master 

Uses you and I the way the Master

Wills for You and I to be used.

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Let Go of Outcomes

Let go of outcomes of actions arising out of fear . Surrender them , completely . Relinquish control and dive in total trust. 

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Know Your Intentions

Know your intention . Know if your actions are arising from fear or from love . Know. 

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Either Being Right or Being Free

If you do not want to be filled with peace, love, joy, freedom and want to be right instead then declare it and declare it powerfully by saying that “I do not wish to be filled with peace, love, joy, freedom. Instead I want to be right”. Then face the consequences of suffering.  Know that you have chosen to be righteous, to be right over the experience of surrender, of letting go, that leads to inner peace, love, joy, freedom. They give you access to the unlimited infinite presence that's within you and all of creation. If you do not wish to have access to that and you want to be right instead, then choose it. But know that you can also choose otherwise. You can choose to let go of your opinions, your perspectives, your logical arguments. You can let go of all that and embrace the infinite presence of love, freedom, peace, joy that gives rise to another state of being and other qualities of behavior and functioning that emanate from a state of bliss. well being, happiness, peace, joy, love, freedom. You can't have both. You can't be right and have access to that. It just doesn't work that way. So know the difference and choose powerfully which way you want to go and know that you can choose either at any moment in time. You will not be stuck with either of these choices for the rest of your life, it takes this very moment to choose one over the other . It happens now

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Sunday, October 03, 2021

The Voice of Judgement vs the Voice of Judgement

The difference between the voice of judgement and voice of discernment is that the voice of judgement is far louder than the voice of discernment. The voice of discernment is faint but wise, subtle but important. The voice of judgment is loud and rowdy, full of ego and resentment. The is how you can tell the difference between the voice of judgement and the voice of discernment. 

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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

How Presence is Lost

 Even a mild thought can deprive one of presence, leading to unconscious behaviours. Total alertness is required at all times specially in situations when some form of clinging or aversion may arise (seeking or escaping). Both forms create mild instability leading to unconscious behaviours that lead to ineffective outcomes. The only remedy is constant vigilant awareness to the breath and body. This could be when one is by onself or when with others, high presence is required in higher stake situations. 

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Saturday, August 07, 2021

Real Freedom

Real freedom arises when you create no more enemies in your life. You make no enemies out of any aspect of yourself (thoughts, emotions) nor enemy our of others or aspects of others, situations, the present moment, past or future. When all of life becomes your friend, you have finally become free. You will then bring love to everything you do, everywhere you go and transform everything you come across. 

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You Only Need One Enemy to Suffer

 You only are required to create one enemy in your life to create suffering for yourself. Some have many more, but even one is enough to cause you suffering and misery. 

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Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Shackles of Pride

 Break down the shackles of pride to become free of yourself . Break down the shackles of the pride of your identities, qualities, achievements, let go of all to become who you truly are

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Monday, June 14, 2021

Judgement vs Discernment

Judgement is not intentional. It’s often a reaction. The intentional awareness and observation of this reaction (judgement) is intentional and of higher order. Discernment is intentional and requires the observation and awareness of judgement itself. Discernment has a metacognitive quality and requires higher order cognition. Judgement is lower order cognitive process based on past experiences. 

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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

By Being You

By being you, you allow others to be. You become the holding space for others to be as they are and thus step into freedom and authenticity.  

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Monday, April 12, 2021

When You Wake Up And Find only God

Imagine you wake up one day and realise there is nothing else but God and God alone there is. How then would you feel, function and be in the world?

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Sunday, April 04, 2021

All Possibilities

If all possibilities actually exist (parallel universes), then the notion of fairness and optimality simply dissolves. If all paths and decisions that can be made are actually made , there is no sense in worrying about the future or having regrets about the past. One can simply become fully present to the potentiality of what can be manifested in this present moment. 

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Saturday, April 03, 2021

The Free and Enslaved

Free is one who finds inner peace amidst chaos. 

Enslaved is one who's inner peace depends on circumstance. 

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Saturday, March 06, 2021

Return to Source

I am the servant of your soul

That which is your true role

Return to Thee and remain in this Place

Here where you will finally cease to chase.

Now is the time to truly embrace

every trace, and every race, in every creed, and every face

For this is the time to be in this space

So rise above and take your place.

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Bow to the Source

Bow to the Source 

at every awe. and every bliss

at every joy, at every peace.


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Dip the World in Forgiveness

Dip the world in forgiveness 
every night before sleep
So you may sleep in peace

Monday, February 15, 2021

Arise and Pass Away

Let thoughts arise and pass away
Without engaging in them in any way
Let emotions come and go
Not making them into a big show
There amidst all the haze and pains
Is a stillness that remains.
Be still now and you will find
There is a depth, far beyond 
You will never need to hide
When your heart blooms open-wide
Rest in the peace that you will find
When you are still, and there is no mind.

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Saturday, February 13, 2021

Cause of Negative Thoughts & Emotions

The only reason you feel guilt, anger, shame, is because you see separation, you have forgotten that all that there is is part of you and you are part of the whole. The moment you remember, you will find a sense of deep peace and the letting go. 

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The Beginning and End of Suffering

All suffering begins with the false claim

of “I am somebody separate from others”

And all suffering ends with “I am nothing but part of the whole of creation” 

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Friday, February 12, 2021

Everyone is a Protagonist

Everyone is a protagonist. Everyone is going through experiences and everyone is both a protagonist as well as the supporter of other protagonists in the Game of Life. 

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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Don’t Think So Highly of Yourself

Don't think highly of yourself, if you show a glimmer of kindness and then become cold at the slightest sign of ignorance or coldness from others or the world. Your ego is still reigning supreme. 


Friday, January 29, 2021

Everything is for the Now

Everything that you (soul) receives, everything you experience, is for this present moment, not for the future. Often we think what we gain is for the illusive future, but this is only an illusion. You will only receive what you need for this present moment, and in every "future" moment you will receive what your soul requires for that very moment. 


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The only fuel for evil

The only fuel for evil is non forgiveness 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Nothing Wrong & Something Wrong

There is nothing wrong with anyone and something wrong with everyone. The essence of perfection and imperfection is in all of us. We are just blinded by bias not to see this. 

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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Nothing and Everything

You and I

Are good and bad

Right and wrong

Great and small

Wise and fool

Belong to everything

Yet have nothing

Custodians of all creation

Owners of nothing.

While we are nothing

We are also, everything.

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Sunday, December 13, 2020

What Message Am I Sending...

Every day ask yourself, what message is my mindset, behaviour, my lifestyle and my ways sending to the world? Remember you make a part of this world. As Gandhi puts it become the change you want to see.

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Wednesday, December 09, 2020

The Wrath of "Better"

As soon as you have a sense of “better” than "other", through whatever positive label you identify with, a division has already taken place, disharmony sets in, and lingering conflict awaits. 

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Monday, December 07, 2020

Everything Can Teach You a Lesson

Everything, every situation and everyone can teach you a lesson about yourself, about your ego, and about your spirit. So consider even the most difficult situations and people as your teachers and gain insight into yourself through them. 

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Never Withdraw Your Love

You may get angry at yourself, or someone, or something for whatever reason justified or unjustified, but there will never be any excuse for you to withdraw your love from yourself, others or the world. Get as angry as you wish but always return to love and forgiveness. Not doing so is the biggest evil there is, in this world and the cause of all other evils.

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Saturday, December 05, 2020

Intrinsic Desire

 For us humans, there is an intrinsic desire to grow and serve that is beyond any notions of achievement.

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Internal Disharmony & External Harmony?

 How do we expect to create internal disharmony and manifest harmony externally? How can what causes internal disharmony cause external harmony?

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External More Important than the Internal?

Why has what we observe become more important than the inner state of our being, which interacts with what is observed?


Friday, December 04, 2020

See the Perfection in Imperfection

 See the perfection in every imperfection as that imperfection is the very quality that reveals perfection. Extract the wisdom from the folly as the folly also carries a wisdom that you can only see if you discover completeness and wholeness. 

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 There is no point telling someone to be responsible if they don't know how to be responsible. Responsibility is byproduct of a way of being, a way of operating. 

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Thursday, December 03, 2020

Mind Creates Opposites

 Anything the mind creates, it will immediately create the opposite quality to reveal the original quality. 

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Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Dichotomy of Reality

What seems permanent (forms and causal reality) is actually fleeting and what is actually constant (consciousness) is a process. 

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Monday, November 30, 2020

Accepting the Reality of "what is"

Accept the unfolding reality of what is, right now, and then act to do what can be done with what is towards what can be. 

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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Rewards & Recognition

 rewards and recognition are nice but not necessary, appreciated but not expected. 

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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Letting Go of Blame and Justification

 Letting go of the mind's propensity to blame and justify, cuts the layers of thought that lead to captivity and opens the passage to freedom. But don't fight the thoughts or the mind, bring instead total and intense presence without judgement. 

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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Train Your Mind Like a Puppy

 Train your mind like a puppy. With kindness, gentleness and patience. Every time your mind wanders and doesn't do what you like it to do, gently bring it back to the present moment, here and now just as you guide your wandering dog back to here. 

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Thursday, November 12, 2020

In Reality

 In reality there is just Love and all the obstacles to Love.

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Monday, November 09, 2020

We Are Custodians

We are custodians of all that is God’s. 

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Celebrating Commonality

As we continue to celebrate diversity let us balance this with also celebrating commonality. Of what we have in common with other humans and all of nature .

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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Perfection & Imperfection : No Matter What You Do

 No matter what you ever do, you will always be both perfect and imperfect simultaneously. 

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Saturday, October 17, 2020

I Am Concealed

I am love. I am light. I am joy. 

I am concealed in every misery 

And in every tale

I am concealed in the good and the bad

In every right and every wrong I’m there

You will find me if you look for me 

And not the veil

The torch through the fog is simple

Total acceptance

Of past, now and future.

Complete surrender.

Then you will see me.


Befriend Every Moment

 Befriend every single moment, for every single moment is the only moment that exists, for that moment.

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Friday, October 16, 2020

Freedom comes

  Freedom comes from being comfortable to face death every single day.


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Hollow Forms

Hollow forms that we are that at the very best we are nothing but the mirror of God’s Loving Presence. 

Friday, October 02, 2020

It Will be As It Will Be

It will be what it will be

Nothing but what is going to be

It will be as it will be

Nothing but what is going to be

So why don't you just surrender

to what is unfolding right now

Action arising from Acceptance

If you are wondering the how

Wisdom will be behind it

So let it go and let it be

for this is what is going to be

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Thursday, September 24, 2020

When You Observe

Whenever you observe the ego, smile, in presence, in love.

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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Becoming More of Who You Are

 The more you become you, the more of you, you become, the more you attract those aligned with who you truly are, and the more you repel those who are not aligned with you. You built networks and communities that truly support you for who you are, and your causes.

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Saturday, August 01, 2020

Source of Kindness

Some think by being kind they are losing something, as if they are the source of kindness. The source of kindness is infinite. Manifesting kindness is only a reflection of that infinite kindness that permeates all things. Never claim to own it, or be the source of it, but bow down to the infinite source of Love that manifests itself through you. Become the mirror of that Love and become grateful for being the tool of manifestation. 

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Friday, July 10, 2020

Who Am I?

Who Am I?
I am You
I am They
I am Me
Some parts of me is wise
Some parts of me, crippled
Some parts of me is blind
Some parts of me, deaf 
Some parts of me is able
Some parts of me, disabled
But I am Whole
I am Complete
I am One with Everything
I am the Seen
And the Unseen
I am the beginning
I am the end
Access me
Through this present moment
Is it here that I exist
And remember that you too,
Are a part of me.
We are Each Other
We are One

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Monday, July 06, 2020

Purpose of Suffering

The purpose of suffering is to re-enter peace (and appreciate it)
The purpose of multiplicity is to re-enter unity (and appreciate it)

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Profound Reality

How profound it is to remember that you and I are from that single point and cause that took place 13.7 billion years ago. Everything seen and unseen is from that point. Why have we forgotten our roots and now consumed in labels? 

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Saturday, July 04, 2020

You & I

You and I are, custodians of everything, owners of nothing.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

when the mind ends...

When the mind ends, love begins. 

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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Remain in the Presence

Always remain in the presence of God
Always remain in the presence of Love
Even at the face of death
Even at the face of death


Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Higher and Lower Self Operation

It is more important to operate from your highest self and lose than operate from your lower self and gain and retain.

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Sunday, May 31, 2020

You Can Either Judge or Understand

You can either seek to judge or seek to understand - you can’t do both simultaneously. choose wisely.

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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Some Things You Can Consider Before Taking Actions

Perhaps you may wish to consider this before any action

Observation from three perspectives:
1) Yours
2) Others
3) An omnipresent neutral observer

Consequences/Impact on
1) Self
2) Others
3) Environment/Society
Over time and space.

Then make a more conscious decision about it.

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Saturday, May 09, 2020

Treating Everything with Love

Treat yourself with love
Treat others with love
Treat anger with love
Treat fear with love
Treat hurt with love
Treat pain with love
Treat guilt with love
Treat regret with love
Treat hatred with love
Treat sadness with love
Treat loneliness with love
Treat everything with love
Nothing is exempt from love
For all that everything needs, is love
Constantly return to the presence of love
For love is the cure for all ailments of the mind and the heart.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Don't Get in the Way of Love

Don’t let your ego
get in the way of love
for though love is vast
it can be rapidly blocked
by the shadow of the ego
just as a small cloud
blocks the rays of the sun
so does the ego
block the rays of love

leave your ego outside
when you enter the house of love
let your ego go
in the majestic presence of love

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Tuesday, March 03, 2020

True Freedom

True freedom arises when you can still operate from a place of love and stillness regardless of what is happening outside of you and to you.


Friday, February 21, 2020

The Eminence of Love

The immense eminence the powerful presence of love cannot be endured by hate. It just cannot. 


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Every Time

Every time you distract yourself from the agony of the moment, you deprive yourself of insight and the development of resilience and strength.

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Understanding Reality Extinguishes Judgement

What you realise and understand the nature of reality, judgement ceases to exist. 

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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Instead of worshipping some people, worship the source of love in all people. 


Monday, January 27, 2020

Completing Your Opinions

Opinions and perspectives can only be completed when they are shared (respectfully) and critiqued. 

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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Living Beyond Self

Live larger than scores, marks and the accumulation of wealth, titles and credentials.
Love larger than a group or a nation.
Be more than just a mortal consumer 

Live to serve
Love to transform
Be as to leave a legacy. 

Wednesday, January 01, 2020


Whenever you engage with anyone, engage with the notion of “how can I add value to this person”. 

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Monday, December 30, 2019

If the Whole World Becomes Dark

If the whole world becomes dark with no light, and you can choose just one tool, hate or love to navigate through life, what tool would you use? 

Saturday, December 28, 2019


In relationships, bring focus on what value you are adding to the other person, not what you are getting. 

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Ego in the Way

Every time you are not feeling joy for the happiness of others regardless of your condition and situation, look within - it may be the ego is getting in the way.  

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Thursday, December 26, 2019


When you are alone you take joy in solitude
When you feel the breeze on your skin you take joy in that too
When you are with people, you take joy in their presence
When you are connected to nature, you take joy in this connection
When you feel your breath, you take joy in this stillness
You appreciate things as they are
You find joy in this present moment
And you are present to the presence of This. 

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Become Present

Become present to the presence of that which sustains you and all of creation. 

Our Minds and Bodies

Our minds and bodies are tools for understanding the human condition, for being able to relate to others and for using them to serve beyond self. 

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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Source

This enthusiasm and love I cannot claim to own or be the source, but I and you and all of creation are the channels by which the infinite Intelligence and Universal Love can manifest through. All you need to do is remove the obstacles you've created and clear the passage of your heart.

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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Challenging People

When you have a challenging individual in your life, do the following 
1) express gratitude for their goodness
2) empathize by putting yourself in their shoes
3) engage and communicate by first asking and listening, acknowledging, then expressing your concern 


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

What Matters

What matters in life is not your gains and losses, but a life based on principles by which you operate regardless of your gains and losses.

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Principled Life

A principled life is a life worth living.

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Saturday, June 01, 2019

Forgetting Non-Ownership

Suffering kicks in when one forget that one owns nothing. 


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Value Driven Life

Being value driven is when one does things not because they want others to like them but because of some fundamental moral principals and values. 

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Insights of Negative Emotion

The feelings of shame, guilt and regret, are not bad in themselves - they reflect the possession of conscience and an insight into something that needs to be corrected and dealt with. Not resolving the causes of these feelings and perpetually lingering in these states is what makes them toxic. 

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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Test for Higher Self Lower Self

The best way to understand whether you are operating at the lower self (ego) or higher self (spirit) is to ask yourself am I wanting or do I want to give. wanting is of the ego giving is of the spirit. 

Thursday, April 25, 2019

False Facade a Result of Inauthentic Living

A false facade is generated in society when people are living not based on who they truly are but what society expects of them - a society built by the past and a society mostly dysfunctional. This dysfunction could then perpetuate into the future from this inauthentic living. 


Spirit vs Ego

Where the ego sees separation, the spirit sees unity and oneness

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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Love Is For Giving

love is for giving and love is forgiving

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Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Quality of “Care”

Care is the culmination of Love and Respect 

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Value of Self and Others and All Existence

Valuing self, others and all existence results in self worth and self respect, other-worth and other-respect and respect for all things. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Live as Though

Live each day as though you will be dead tomorrow. Then you will realise that it is only worth to be living through love and service. 

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Trust in What Unfolds

There may be times that you can rightfully blame and complain about situations and others. But what is the impact of this on you and what you want to achieve? You can still use that energy and time to work towards your goals. Think more clearly about what you want to achieve and what it takes to get there, even at the face of opposition, resistance and lack of support. Keep moving and have trust in yourself and what unfolds. 

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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Falling Victim to Fear

We all become victims of fear and complacency. We deprive ourselves and others of love as we continue to be driven by fear. This fear of pain and complacency is so great that we continue to escape and resort to "but everyone is doing it, so it must be ok" mentality.
But this doesn't have to be the norm - we can return to love and even when it means there will be pain, at least we experience life as it truly is. Falling victim to fear is in fact a choice, just as returning to love is, too.

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Friday, February 01, 2019

Service Through Kindness

By being kind and loving towards yourself and others, you are in fact in the act of Service. 

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Thursday, January 03, 2019

Tis Not About

Tis not about winning or losing, gain or loss, tis about operating from love, tis about the process of service that matters, the result can be used to enhance the process but not the determinant of the state. 

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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Three Dimensions of Love

Love in the present leads to healing, projected in the past leads to forgiveness and projected in the future leads to service.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Love is an Act

Love is an act and the act of unconditional love brings happiness. 


Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Curiosity vs Criticism

Curiosity leads to understanding, criticism leads to judgement. 

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Belief vs Manifestation

Belief precedes manifestation. If you believe, you manifest. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Good Deeds Turn to Good Things

Receive good things through good deeds.

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Operation vs Understanding

We need to learn and understand the paradigm of cause and effect and work with it rather than operate from it. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Intentions vs Expectations

Intentions and behaviours arising from values and personal ethics are inherently more satisfying than intentions and behaviours arising from expectations of certain outcomes.

"If I do this, I should get this" - outcome oriented behaviour
"I do this because this is important to me, I value this activity" value-driven activity.

Sunday, August 05, 2018

If You Have an Ocean of Love

If you have an ocean of love, don’t look for a pond, look for an ocean.


Saturday, July 28, 2018

What Fools and Wise Do After Actions

The difference between the wise and the fools after taking some action is
The fools always justify their actions
The wise always reflect on their actions
The fools defend their actions
The wise admin their mistakes

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Sunday, July 08, 2018

When Service Surpasses Survival

True contentment sets in when the need to serve surpasses the need to survive 


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Glorification and Vilification

Never has glorification and vilification ended in a positive outcome. Yet we have over the ages persisted to continue to vilify and glorify individuals and groups, whether it be culturally and habitually, the outcome of either ends in negative short term and long term consequences. 

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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Fabric of the Universe

Emotional pain is not the fabric of the universe - the fabric of the universe is Love .

Love is the Cure

Love is the cure to the pain one inflicts upon self and others. 

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Friday, May 04, 2018

All Negativity Creates Ripples of Negativity

All negativity creates new ripples of negativity. You can influence and stop the spread by not rebroadcasting. 

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Tuesday, May 01, 2018

People Speak When They Feel Safe

People express themselves and speak up when they feel safe. Do you make your people feel safe? do you create a safe environment for others to be honest and truthful?


Saturday, April 21, 2018

Demanding vs Doing

Demanding is not doing, many demand of others, yet do very little themselves. Effective leaders are on the ground helping their followers, they act and inspire action. They earn respect not through coercion but through inspiration. They instil commitment, not compliance.  

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Monday, April 09, 2018

The Problem with the World

The problem with the world is not that people have (unresolved) issues, it is that because they don't acknowledge that they have unresolved issues, and so either they think they are fine and other's are not, OR the opposite, they are not fine and everyone else is. These two extremes creates much of the problems in the world. 


Greatness Lies in Those Who Raise

Greatness lies in those who support, acknowledge and raise others. 

Friday, March 30, 2018

Change of Perspective Not Change of Who You Are

Change of how you see things, is not changing who you are, it is authentically seeing world in a new light. 

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Cultivation of Character

Cultivation of character is key to effectiveness.

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Sunday, March 25, 2018


Repentance does not necessarily comes from a place of regret or shame, but a recognition and acknowledgement of our imperfection and the need to continuously improve, grow and evolve. 


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Learn More Through Failure

Do More, Fail More, Learn More

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Empathy: From You, For Others

Empathy is for others, but it for you to exercise, not something to expect from others. 

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Saturday, March 03, 2018

Experiences Generate Expectations

Experiences generate expectations. Expectations also generate experiences. This feedback loop is important in understanding how we develop our beliefs and biases, fall into cultural norms and create our often rigid views of the world from limited experiences. 

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Saturday, February 24, 2018

To Understand

To understand others, one must put to one side one’s own beliefs and values and delve into the values and beliefs of the other, with curiosity and without judgement. 


Motivating Through Positive Emotions

You can always get people to do something by creating guilt, fear, shame or whatever negative emotion that people want to escape and so yield. But can you create a deep seeded desire for people to do something, not out of fear, guilt or shame but out of positive emotions of purpose, passion and the desire to do good? 

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Friday, February 23, 2018

Biased Opinions

You will continue to always have your own biased, limited perspective or idealised opinions. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with these so long as you don't see your opinions as absolute truths and not impose them on others. There is also no need to fight off your biased perspectives, but to notice them and with curiosity understand them. They will eventually develop and evolve to something more effective and although absolute truth will never be reached, one can approach a more harmonised holistic perspective on life.  

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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Value in Things

There is some value in most things, but are you going to sacrifice what is of high value for what is of lower value?

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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Actions and Inactions Creates A World

One’s actions and inactions affects the world in both positive and negative ways that can ripple through time and space

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Friday, February 09, 2018

Dealing with Failure

Never will you be free and happy and growing until you become comfortable with the fact that you will fail sometimes and that is totally ok - that is how you’re going to learn and grow.

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Dealing with Incompetence

Never will you be free and happy until you become comfortable with the fact that you will in some environments be incompetent, and that’s totally okay. 


Tuesday, February 06, 2018

If You Are Love

If you are Love, if you are contained in Love and Love is contained in You, then how could you ever take offence, how could you ever feel down. If you are truly contained in Love and Love is contained in You.
Drown yourself in this vast Ocean. The Ocean that consumes all bitterness and blooms with serenity. There is no other Ocean that can do this.
This Ocean is the boundless, formless Love. 

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Success to Service

happiness springs when life's focus turns from success to service. 

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Self Suppressed or Self Expressed

You are generally either self-suppressed or self-expressed. What is important is the cultivation of values and attitudes that allow the self-expression to be positive for the self and others and also have the courage and openness to accept the self-expression of others as valid and authentic to them even when you do not agree with their views, you will be able to accept their point of view. 

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Be Yourself

Be yourself so that you can be weeded out of places you do not belong to and to be found by places where you do. 

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Saturday, January 20, 2018

What Has Positive Impact

What has the greatest positive impact is not making yourself or others right or wrong, but the cultivation of love, acceptance and forgiveness.

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Being in control may make one feel competent, but relinquishing control may make one feel free.

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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Suffering in Selfishness

There is much suffering in selfishness - and the amount of suffering one experiences is equivalent to the amount of selfishness once exhibits. 

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